Nothing controversial is meant by this. I just figure that with a bunch of new people coming in, some of which are likely to be developers of some sort, that there’s bound to be some energy for helping and contributing that doesn’t know what to do with itself. And maybe, the current core organisation doesn’t quite have the bandwidth to direct all that energy.

So, I was thinking some discussion might surface some issues or ideas or projects.

  • A few low hanging fruit I wanted to tackle involve

    • trimming leading/trailing spaces in the search when pasting a cross instance community. If you have a space it will default to a local instance text search
    • adding some feedback for users who have a pending application to join an instance. Currently if you have a pending app waiting approval it just hangs there instead of performing a successful login. It’d be nice to have a message along the lines of

    Your user profile is still pending approval from the administrators of this instance. Don’t want to wait? Try hosting your own! <Link to docs>

    • figuring out a better way to block quote when line breaks are present in the quoted text. You can see an example of what I mean in this quote block. I had to break up the lines in their own > because putting the lines right after another removed the intended break and instead continues the next line directly following the last character in the previous block. Not sure I’m explaining this right, I’m a little fried today. Maybe I’m just dumb and didn’t do it correctly.