• Am I only the only one who thinks comes off like “men arent like women, and therefore broken”?

    Not having to spend an hour discussing my feelings is actually one of the things I like about my friendships. I don’t want long deep hugs, they make me uncomfortable. And I definitely don’t want someone opening up to me about their life struggles. That’s not the kind of friendship I like or want.

    I guess that makes me broken!

    • I wouldn’t call you broken, just as I wouldn’t call an asexual broken. I do think there are men out there who wish they could be more vulnerable though, and if the current culture stops or hinders that I think they deserve to say something too.

    • And it’s all perfectly fine to not want that.

      The issue is there is a heavy expectation for all men to be like that. Many of us, me included, are not at all, and are often ridiculed for it.

            • Sure: Read the article and reassess what you think it’s about. I for sure didnt walk away with the same impression you did, but I could see why I would if I read the headline and headed straight to the comments section.

              At least read the article before you criticize it, because it’s nothing like what you seem to think it is.

              • I did read it and it’s riddled with shit I would never, ever want, and yet he presents it like it’s a bad thing. Here’s a choice example:

                When traveling or running errands, and I saw a parent dealing with an exhausting kid, I could help and not be stared at like a creep.

                I can’t imagine ever wanting to help with a strangers child. Not because I might be treated like a creep, but because it’s just none of my business. I would even go so far as to say that assuming they need help is problematic in itself. But he doesn’t address that; no, apparently men don’t help because we’ve been broken by society.

    • 100% mate.

      All my best friendships have been 99% ripping into each other and telling funny stories. Like I don’t tell shitty stories about work because I lived it once and I don’t want to live it again. No one else does either. Unless it’s to vent about someone because I’m angry. But I do tell funny stories about work.

      Having said that even in the most masculine environments when anyone has had an issue or been pushed too fair the guys always rally and pick them back up.

      Day to day shit is your own problem. The once in a month or few months is our problem and I’m here for you.

      You boss was mean to you. You want to bounce other careers around or see if I can find someone to hire you? No, well grow up everyone’s boss is shit. Either leave or deal with it.

      Your misses just cheated on you. Right come on I’ll get the guys and we’ll go to the pub, she’s a cunt you’re better off without her.

      Also hand shakes are fucking great. I usually go for a shake and a quick hug. But the handshake is better.