• Exactly, we get randomly born in a spot on Earth and then we are supposed to feel love for our country? Why?

    Is there anything to be proud of for each country? All I see is politicians trying to gain popularity by lying, wars being started and finished with lies and propaganda, and citizens being generally unhappy and ignored.

    • It’s the same for religion too, it’s incredibly fortunate that most people are born in the right place for their religion of choice.

      I do think every country can be proud of some things they do, but they should also be equally ashamed of other things they do.

      Politicians are only really interested in the length of their term(s), they’re not invested to do anything outside of that.

      Hardly anybody cares and I don’t know if I envy, resent, or pity them for it.

        • I was born in the 80’s so don’t recall a lot, but what I do know is that my dad worked in a warehouse, my mum didn’t work and we had pretty much whatever we wanted, went from the UK to Orlando on holiday every year. And I had two siblings too.

          You couldn’t even support yourself now working as a professional let alone a warehouse worker.

          Nobody seems to acknowledge it though they’d always be like yeah but we got paid less.