Tests indicate that every VPN product is vulnerable on at least one device, the researchers say. VPNs for iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and macOS are extremely likely to be vulnerable, that a majority of VPNs on Windows and Linux are vulnerable, and that Android is the most secure with roughly one-quarter of VPN apps being vulnerable.

  •  jet   ( @jet@hackertalks.com ) 
    911 year ago
    "Both attacks manipulate the victim's routing table to trick the victim into sending traffic outside the protected VPN tunnel, allowing an adversary to read and intercept transmitted traffic. "

    I hate clickbait titles. A better title for this would be, local routing attack may expose some VPN traffic. It’s pretty esoteric, not seen in the wild, and requires your adversary to have control of your local network and exposes traffic of a very particular kind. These panic inducing headlines are just annoying and they desensitize us

    • have control of your local network

      traffic of a particular kind

      Could you give an example of what this looks like? I’m sure I’ll have friends sending me similar articles / YouTube videos. Would be nice to have a simple and accurate analogy