Up to now I’ve been using Simplenote, which has a Linux client (but also Android & iOS) & supports live collaboration on notes. However, Simplenote hasn’t had a meaningful update for a long time, & it’s recently been behaving strangely, e.g. notes undeleting themselves, line duplications & undeletions.

Can anyone recommend an alternative? Spinning up an ownCloud/nextcloud instance just to use Joplin feels a little overkill. I stumbled across turtl, but the project looks abandoned.

  •  Solar Bear   ( @bear@slrpnk.net ) 
    311 months ago

    If you want it to be truly multiplat and want to control it, you either need a self-hosted web service (simple as a basic wiki or as complex as nextcloud) or just sync plaintext markdown files and use an editor on each platform. Anything else and you’ll just eventually end up in the same situation.