WHO warned that the reported number of cases and deaths do not reflect the true numbers. Read more at straitstimes.com.

    • …because you jumped into my notifications defending mass death

      Because you said something stupid and incorrect. Don’t want people in your notifications, don’t post on social media.

      You made a false statement. Two weeks would not have stopped us being in “this mess”

      And in order to actually eliminate covid and get rid of “this mess,” you would need an incredible amount of mass death, killing anyone and anything that might have it in order to stop it.

      I’m not defending mass death, I’m defending reality.

      You keep saying it’s easy to eliminate an airborne illness, so why haven’t we ever managed to do it?

      I want you to expand on the logistics of what you’ve suggested. How do we actually eliminate a disease like covid and get out of “this mess”? With actual logistics, not just hand wavy “national guard…” What is actually needed, and how do we do it? It’s apparently easy according to you, just two weeks and it’s done. So how do we do it?

          • By “real world” do you mean capitalist?

            Are you just gonna complain, ignore, deflect when the answer involves seizing private property?

            I also question how deep you demand I pen this logistical plan you aren’t going to read any more than I read your last post.

            Not doing it, but like do you expect me to schedule each truck driver’s shift?
            Because Terry isn’t sure when his baby’s due and I still need to inquire about the hazmat certification Ron went out for Thursday last.

            • No, by real world I mean one in which billions of humans and trillions of animals live, and which has limited resources that still require labour to extract and process. That real world.

              Assume pure socialism or communism in every country for your plan for all I care, the issue isn’t the economic system.

              I’ve been reading your posts, and have pointed out flaws and holes in your plan you have failed to patch. Instead you just deflect, and change the subject or move the goalposts.

              And you still haven’t even gone into any detail. You want a full lockdown enforced by hazmat suite wearing national guardsmen. Okay, who is making the suits, because they won;t just magically appear. How do you keep the people making the suits from spreading covid?

              Covid spreads between condo and apartment units through ventilation. you suggest HVAC upgrades installed by gun totting hazmat suit wearing guards. Where are the HVAC systems coming from? We don’t just have billions lying around. Where are the technicians coming from? We need a lot of HVAC technicians to do the installations in the billions of homes worldwide.

              I’m not asking for a day to day schedule, just some simple logistics for how you plan on making and distributing billions of pieces of specialized equipment, all while maintaining a tight lockdown.