I have an old i3 PC that I’d like to useas a NAS but I’d prefer to use FOSS instead as realistically I don’t know even this is even the solution I want to go with and would rather avoid dropping a lot of money on something I may change.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I will be bookmarking them all. Probably give TrueNAS a go first since I’ve heard of it before. (I think from LTT.)

  • You could just install a minimal Debian system and install what you want after that. I use Nextcloud on my media Center for example. If you just want a Windows share you could instsll samba. If your Linux you could use ssh or nfs. Or could use Syncthing. All of these are pretty standard.

    The big question is do you want raid. If so you need at least two storage volumes.