Yesterday I fought I was a demiboy with part girl but today in confused I have no clue what my gender is. I think I might be nonbinary I’m not sure aaaaa I am confused

        • No, I mean it depends on how each nonbinary person see it.

          For some people the base gender is the same, or their gender is related/derived from the binary gender they were assigned. These people may not consider themselves trans, but rather cis or any other gender modality.

          There’s no “IMO that’s not the gender they were assigned at birth” when many non-binary people do, in fact, feel they still relate to their AGAB or that their gender and their AGAB are the same or similar.

    • Just because you define a label one way does not mean that other people have to accept or adopt your label. If a non-binary person doesn’t want to identify as trans, do not force that label on them.

      Also this statement is coming from a very western perspective. There are more than two genders in the world and there are civilizations which recognize and support genders outside the binary. Some people are not assigned gender at birth in the society they were born in, and in some civilizations their gender does match what was assigned to them by society and that identity is neither male nor female, but something else.

      • Just because you define a label one way does not mean that other people have to accept or adopt your label. If a non-binary person doesn’t want to identify as trans, do not force that label on them.

        Yes, that’s why I said “**if ** you use the definition…”.

        Also this statement is coming from a very western perspective

        Yes it is, that’s why I clarified the definition the chart was using.