The success of the Dungeons & Dragons RPG has kicked off a fiery debate about game development, AAA costs, and players’ expectations

  • it’s good enough so when I encounter glitches I simply laugh and move on.

    some of the glitches I’ve encountered so far:

    • animated door(or wall) loop back to closed “frame” but the collision is already moved away so you can walk through the door(or wall)
    • ranged attack/spell sometimes doesn’t calculate the path correctly when you hover over the target, so you have to manually move yourself and try again. Some times the path blocked calculation is wrong and you could waste spells.(especially for big enough creatures)
    • animation glitches during conversation. or right after loading.(mostly on NPCs.)
    • some stuff looks reachable but due to path finding for char to “get it” it becomes unreachable. (sometimes can use mage hand to get around this if said stuff is light and not fragile.)