Now that a lot of the commotion has subsided I’m just curious to know how y’all are finding the Lemmy experience in general and whether you use it regularly like you did reddit?

  •  moreeni   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    It’s the Fediverse that I have been searching for.

    Somebody on Lemmy made this quote I really like:

    Twitter is people you care about posting content you don’t care about. Reddit is people you don’t care about posting content that you do care about

    Twitter-like Fedi never clicked for me. I made a bunch of accounts over the course of two, maybe three years, each starting with the intention of maybe making new friends and having a good time. I met a ton of cool people but we never became good friends because I never got really invested into it, simply because my feed was never something I hoped it would be, something exciting.

    Lemmy gives me exactly what I was searching for. I didn’t use it prior to thr Reddit migration because there were too few people but now I am very happy

    • Just another quote I read about twitter/Mastodon:

      “You simply shout into the void and hope someone answer.”

      Lemmy and Reddit feel more like the old forum culture. And that’s better, imo.

      • In my experience, no. I’m not a fan of the microblogging style of discussion as well. I never had a personal twitter account, only my artist account I use to post once a week. I thought I’d try Mastodon, and while it’s nice to be in the fediverse and there a lot of interesting people and posts there, the microblogging format still doesn’t work for me and I basically stopped using my account after 2 weeks. I feel more at home with Lemmy.