• Yikes.

    Never knew she quitted LTT. Back then I was so happy for her for getting her “dream job”, she seem so happy.

    She is charming and I love every second of her on screen. She was having a huge approval from fans for every videos she was on, even though there’s not much of them, only a handful afaik.

    I was wondering why she wasn’t appear in more videos but then I just thought since her main role was social media, she needs to focus on that.

    Now I feel really bad for her after reading the whole thing.

    For now, I’ll give LTT the benefit of the doubt and waiting for their response.

    •  Xusontha   ( @xusontha@ls.buckodr.ink ) 
      11 months ago

      I just typed a whole response and it just got deleted ugh. I’m going to just summarize what I’m saying:

      I think this is terrible if it happened, but if it did then why hasn’t anyone else had the same thing happen to them/talk out about it/post something anonymously? Not saying it didn’t, just wondering how we got to this situation and what the actual facts are. I’ll be waiting for facts from a third party to make my final judgement though (think I got it all)

      Also here is a response from Linus via the Verge:

      I was in a state of shock reading through these allegations, plain and simple. They aren’t consistent with my recollections. They aren’t consistent with our internal processes. They aren’t consistent with our company values. We pride ourselves on maintaining a safe and inclusive environment. In addition to our existing report systems (both anonymous and otherwise) we’ve proactively reached out internally today to encourage members of our team to report any workplace bullying or harassment they might be experiencing so we can take quick and decisive action. Our HR team will be conducting a more thorough assessment of the allegations, and when we are ready, we will release a more complete statement. For now I would ask that we allow our team the time they need be as thorough as possible.

      Also forgot to add, the new CEO Terran Tong is also hiring an outside investigator to look into it. I would like for those results to be made public

      • It’s only fair, right? Always hear all sides of the story before judgement.

        Remember recently, a video on social media of a white “karen” seem to try stealing a bike from a black man and try to “play victim” by crying? Turned out she’s a nurse that rented that bike first and was harassed by the man to the point she’s crying and yelling for help?

          • I honestly have no idea. Right now I don’t believe I’ll ever watch LTT videos the same way just because I know behind cameras the whole thing might be a shitshow. But probably the result of this whole investigation might change my mind

            • You do understand that it’s incredibly hard to prove workplace harassment beyond reasonable doubt? Which is why victims almost never go public? Since nobody believes them and want to hEaR bOtH sIdEs?

              This isn’t two ex lovers arguing, this is workplace harassment ffs.

                • Yes, I completely despise it.

                  It makes sense to hear both sides when the sides are equal - like Depp vs Heard. But when you get an entire novel written about workplace harrassment and abuse, I don’t care what the PR dept will cough up. Specially after hearing the response to GN video.

                  Give me other ex-employees, give me third party investigations, but I absolutely do not give a damn about the company response.