• It’s only fair, right? Always hear all sides of the story before judgement.

      Remember recently, a video on social media of a white “karen” seem to try stealing a bike from a black man and try to “play victim” by crying? Turned out she’s a nurse that rented that bike first and was harassed by the man to the point she’s crying and yelling for help?

        • I honestly have no idea. Right now I don’t believe I’ll ever watch LTT videos the same way just because I know behind cameras the whole thing might be a shitshow. But probably the result of this whole investigation might change my mind

          • You do understand that it’s incredibly hard to prove workplace harassment beyond reasonable doubt? Which is why victims almost never go public? Since nobody believes them and want to hEaR bOtH sIdEs?

            This isn’t two ex lovers arguing, this is workplace harassment ffs.

              • Yes, I completely despise it.

                It makes sense to hear both sides when the sides are equal - like Depp vs Heard. But when you get an entire novel written about workplace harrassment and abuse, I don’t care what the PR dept will cough up. Specially after hearing the response to GN video.

                Give me other ex-employees, give me third party investigations, but I absolutely do not give a damn about the company response.