•  Whom   ( @Whom@beehaw.org ) 
    1282 years ago

    From what Madison said it sounds like it goes far too deep for this to change much. I hope things get better (since it’s unlikely LTT just up and disappears immediately), but from what we’ve seen this culture of dismissal goes right to the top.

    • I honestly believe that Linus is a well intentioned dumbass. He likes his people and believes that everyone can just get along and that nobody would harass another employee seriously. He knows that the mistakes are just honest mistakes which is why he gets so defensive, take the whole “trust me bro” thing… I think it never occurred to him to fuck his customers over which is why he didnt handle it well.

      He doesnt believe his employees need a union because I dont know about you but if I owned a company Id hope that my people felt looked after well enough that they didnt feel like they needed one either.

      But that kind of attitude just doesnt work with so damn many people, he should have hired a full time HR manager YEARS ago, as well as the company lawyer on staff. He SHOULD NOT be doing the WAN show, or if he does it should be on a 5 minute tape delay with someone from legal and hr present.

      The reason why so much bullshit corporate structure exists is to largely protect the company from itself.

    • Sounds like they need to totally overhaul HR and give them real power to action to whatever complaints are coming in. A lot of management will have to go in order to change the culture. Unfortunately culture starts at the top and I’m not sure Linus himself can lead that change.

        • He and his wife are still the majority (perhaps only?) owners, so Linus is still in charge even if he is pretending to delegate some duties.

          I think the fact he appeared in the latest video and was still so defensive is enough evidence to prove that point.

          • Linus is the founder, his name is on the buildings, he was CEO at the time of all this shit, he is the cheif on camera personality and he is the majority shareholder. Of course he would be in the video.

            Hiring Terren was the smartest thing he could have done, he probably should have gotten someone who understands this shit onboard a long time ago. Even if they were subordinate to him.

            • Linus also wants LMG to be about more than him, and a huge part of the controversy is tied to his decision making power overruling everyone else who says they are working too fast.

              He could have appeared, that’s fine, but that nobody was able to get him to drop the defensive attitude and just finally say “sorry” without any pity pleas would have been a very strong signal. That they either didn’t think to do that, couldn’t get Linus to agree or don’t have the power to force him also sends a strong signal in the other direction.

              • While I do agree, Id say the counterpoint would be that putting Terren out front when all this happened under Linus’s watch could have come across as disingenuous.

                “Heres our new lightning rod, yell at him” sort of thing. I very much think they are in a no win scenario with most of this.

          •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
            2 years ago

            Linus is still in charge even if he is pretending to delegate some duties

            It may be different in Canada, but AFAIK a CEO has full decision powers over everyday functioning of a company. They can get fired by the Board (owners) if they don’t do what the board wants, but it’s not like members of the board can waltz in and make random decisions with the CEO watching.