Apparently, the Chinese government brought the hammer down on Naomi for pointing out how they spy on Signal used via a third-party keyboard on phones

#Tech #Infosec #security #China

      •  kent_eh   ( ) 
        111 year ago

        That’s what she’s criticizing her western followers and the western media for not doing.

        We don’t actually know what’s happening. She has always been concerned about Winnie the Pooh’s minions shutting her down, like they silence so many others in their country.

        We have to assume that’s what happened, and if it has, we really don’t know what is the course of action likely to be helpful and not make the situation even worse for Naomi.

        Trying to embarrass the Chinese government generally doesn’t make them apologize and back down.

      • What is there to talk about? We only know what’s being shared outside of China. Which is not a lot. I watch the China show, which seems one of the few sources that doesn’t just regurgitate the government propaganda but we can only do so much.

        The best course of action for her is to leave China. Maybe not an option for her due to personal reasons, but staying in Shenzhen is her choice.