The international chess federation known as FIDE has published new rules that state that a person whose “gender was changed from a male to a female the player has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women until further FIDE’s decision is made”.

The new rules introduce the following changes:

  • Trans women cannot participate in the women’s category unless they are explicitly allowed in a case-by-case process that can take up to two years.
  • Trans men will be stripped of their titles achieved before their transition while trans women will retain their titles achieved before their transition.
  • In case a trans person is allowed to participate, their trans condition will be added to their files and communicated to events organizers.
  • It’s based on the elo of the player. As an example, a Women’s Grand Master (WGM) is someone with an elo of atleast 2300 with three norms (played against others with a similar title). Compare that to an International Master, which is someone with an elo of 2400 and three norms (here the norms are against an IM). A Fide Master has an elo of 2300 with no norm, so a WGM is as strong as an FM. So FIDE argues that a WGM transitioning to a man may be given the title FM, and so on. However, in the other case, an IM (male or female) transitioning would have the same rating since IM > WGM, and hence the same title.

    Edit: elo is a rating scale irrespective of gender. Higher elo implies better player.