Kia ora Beehaw 🐝

I would love to see a Community Betterment group where we can post about ways we are trying to better our own communities through things like volunteering, action, or clubs and share how people are going about either organising or participating in things like tree plantings, toy libraries, tool libraries, community workshops, community gardens, pushing for cycleways and better public transport and just generally making their corners of the world a little better. I think even though every area will have it’s own legal system and regulations to navigate, hearing how people are putting together their proposals and grant applications, swapping tips on how projects are managed, fun ways of attracting new community members, and general do-goodery will encourage others to give it a go.

Even if it’s just growing a little bit extra in the garden for the local food bank, picking up rubbish on the side of the road, or just making an effort to use the bus, having a supportive community encouraging you makes those little choices a bit easier. Maybe you’ve always wanted to do a little bit more for your community but don’t know where to start. Maybe you already do some of these things and want to help others get started. Maybe you’re just really proud of how something is done in your community. We might not be able to solve all the problems but we can at least try to make a few small things a little bit nicer.

It would just be so nice to build up a little slice of the Beehaw hive with some real honest community goodness. Put any naturally competitive nature you might have to best use, out shine us all by making the happiest corner of the world!

  • personally: i think this is a very good idea, and it’d be very on mission for the site. this has also been mulled over in the discord and a few people there likewise thought it was a good idea. would be interested if people on-site have thoughts on it, and how we might go about optimizing it if we make it

    •  Wigglet   ( ) OP
      61 year ago

      Even just smaller things like posting about park clean-ups or events a local community is doing that make everyone a but happier would be a great start.

      I would also be interested in hearing from people who’ve used community resources on how they might be improved. What fresh vegetables and fruits were best froma food pantry and what just wasnt usable? Is donating things like herbs to improve flavour more helpful than a few miss matched vegetables that can’t quite make a real meal? I would love to have some recommendations on what I should be growing more of for donations