I have been looking all day for a FOSS keyboard that’s under active development. It seems like more of not all of the ones I’ve seen recommended haven’t been updated in over a year some three years. I don’t mind if it’s a long time between updates but I want to know bugs will be fixed eventually.

    •  [deleted]   ( @gayisha@lemm.ee ) 
      8 months ago

      +1 for Florisboard. Patrick is diligently working on the NLP. Currenlty it is in phase 2 which is also the most important and the most challenging.

      In the meantime, if someone wants the Material You version of Florisboard that visually resembles Gboard, you can check it here

    • Just downloaded it to give it a try! So far missing autocorrect a little bit, but, honestly, I’m optimistic about how the keyboard can improve my typing (and diction). Much slower but also more well thought out. Auto lets you type fast, maybe too fast.

      I will have to get used to typing apostrophes again though…