For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.

    •  loopy   ( ) 
      41 year ago

      changemyview was fantastic when people were actually open to discussing their view; I witnessed some very thoughtful discussions. Some people would unfortunately hardline their opinion and reply with things like, “Yeah but that doesn’t change my opinion,” and seemed as though they were not actually open to changing their view.

    • I always liked r/the10thdentist better than r/unpopularopinion, because it did a better of job of having actual unpopular opinions rather than ‘opinions that make people angry’ or ‘popular opinion that opposes this other popular opinion’.

      Not that this matters here.

      Sidenote: I wish I had an emoji button here on desktop, like I do on mobile. I know a lot of people don’t care for emoji, but they’re nice to have, seemingly even more popular with younger users than with millenials, and probably a good thing all around to have as an option if what we want is more people using Lemmy.