I know a lot of people have big dreams for the future but personally I just wish we get more things that are self-cleaning. Imagine not having to make the bed. Imagine clothes that you only need to clean once a month. I hate that so much of adult life is spent cleaning over and over again, and that even when you deep clean you know you’re gonna have to do it all again.

It sound so childish but I feel like I’d have so much more free time

    • It’s not that bad. For some reason, having to make a decision about what to eat for lunch was really stressful for me. Now I just do soylent and forget about it. (Now I just stress over what to eat for dinner…)

      • i started with a huel subscription because i was wary about soy but i never really liked the huel.

        holy smokes the soylent is DELICIOUS and DRINKABLE and actually cheaper! it’s great. i just started my subscription a week or 2 ago and like… i am head over heels. i’ve decided to get around half (or more) of my rda from soylent.

        for dinner, i usually eat freezer/refrigerator burritos. i don’t mean it’s all i eat. i mean it’s a staple i eat maybe 3 times a week. still basically no cleanup from that. i started that a couple months before i gave up on huel.

        so bean burritos and fortified bean slurry is about 3/4 of my diet now and i love it. then i just eat convenience foods or actually commit to whipping up something gourmet.