Dont even need to watch the whole video. This is all you gotta see.

  •  Zikeji   ( ) 
    711 months ago

    I watched LTT videos for entertainment, not product suggestions / benchmarks / as an information source. Clown it is!

    Granted I already unsubscribed from the channels I followed and won’t use him for even that anymore.

    •  7heo   ( ) 
      1011 months ago

      I find it a little bit hard to enjoy the content, now that I know how to interpret it.

      It’s kinda like when you find a great restaurant around the corner, go there a lot, enjoy the food, and then you realize they abuse their personal, lie to everyone about what is in the dishes (allergens etc), and so on. Can’t really enjoy the food anymore. The taste hasn’t changed, but it hits different.