• I had almost the opposite experience from you. I primarily played D2 for the PvE content, I didn’t care about PvP at all, but Bungie’s insistence on trying to balance PvE and PvP sandboxes together meant that good PvE weapons were often getting senseless nerfs because of issues with the PvP meta. It was really frustrating. And it felt like the amount of grind just increased every season, after a while it felt like a job just to play the game.

    It’s a shame, because the core gameplay of Destiny is hard to beat. The game feels good to play in a way that not many other shooters manage.

    • Yes one of the core issues was how they attempted to balance both PvE and PvP gameplay through the same mechanisms. Most modern games which have both components have figured out that locking stats on weapons in the PvP environment is how you do it, because you can then just modify where that lock is and not touch the PvE component at all.