I know most of the Bethesda RPGs have massive mod support, and there’s games like Minecraft that have more mods than anyone can imagine. I would consider those games pretty playable in their vanilla states. Would you say there are any games that were “saved” by modding? Or that are still kept alive by thriving modding communities? What are some of your favorite mods?

  •  Pigeon   ( @Lowbird@beehaw.org ) 
    11 months ago

    Are the Slay the Spire mods all PC only, or do some work in the mobile version?

    Edit: I’m intrigued by the CoD zombies comment, too. I’ve never been into those games, but, maybe for zombies…

    • might be pc only sorry… It uses a ModTheSpire Java application. The mods are on Steam Workshop as well.

      About CoDBO3 yeah Zombies is fun and I’m not huge on PvP FPS. Only downside is it hardly ever goes on sale and is fairly large install size (plus map mods are large too).