Aaron Keller pledged to improve the game for “players who are playing now.”

  • Based on what?

    The negatives are extremely bad, and people are legitimately reviewing the game negatively because they legitimately think it’s a pile of shit.

    It is literally unconditionally impossible for it to be a review bomb if the reviews are motivated by the core design decisions of the game.

    • Today’s concurrent player peak is ~47k.

      Why would 47k people choose to play the game when it’s the worst game on Steam? Literally worse than a game like Bad Rats: the Rats’ Revenge that fundamentally doesn’t function correctly. For reference, its peak today was about 20 players.

      Before you reply with something like “marketing”, you seriously think that if Bad Rats launched today, and with the same marketing budget as OW2, that it would achieve anywhere close to 47k players peak 10 months after its release?

      Like I said: you’re disconnected from reality if you think OW2 is the worst game on Steam.