Aaron Keller pledged to improve the game for “players who are playing now.”

  • Today’s concurrent player peak is ~47k.

    Why would 47k people choose to play the game when it’s the worst game on Steam? Literally worse than a game like Bad Rats: the Rats’ Revenge that fundamentally doesn’t function correctly. For reference, its peak today was about 20 players.

    Before you reply with something like “marketing”, you seriously think that if Bad Rats launched today, and with the same marketing budget as OW2, that it would achieve anywhere close to 47k players peak 10 months after its release?

    Like I said: you’re disconnected from reality if you think OW2 is the worst game on Steam.

          • by “tries to rob you blind” you mean a game with entirely optional additional purchases?

            wow you’re right they really get you with that “you can pay if you want” model

            it’s practically criminal definitely worthy of being the worst ranked game on steam

                • As far as I’m concerned they do. But my opinion doesn’t decide the rating of a game any more than yours that’s it’s supposedly a better game than bad rats.

                  It’s a product of everyone who votes giving their opinion, and the entire steam userbase has come to the consensus that Overwatch 2 is a particularly egregious example of it.

                  It cannot possibly be a review bomb when the reviews are legitimate opinions based on what the game is.

                  • supposedly a better game than bad rats

                    the previously referenced games all sit above 80% positive and yet have the exact same problems that you cite as OW2’s reason for being bad

                    legitimate opinions

                    “the zeitgeist has told them that the game is bad” is not a legitimate reason for not liking OW2, hence accusations of review bombing

                    if you think there are legitimate reasons OW2 deserves the rating it has, by all means please provide them, but so far all you’ve given me are #badthings that also apply to basically all the popular F2P games on Steam.

            •  520   ( @520@kbin.social ) 
              1 year ago

              Not really. Reviewing the game as OW with enshittification is a perfectly reasonable review of OW2 in and of itself.

              Especially if the publishers made the one-off purchase version unusable just to push people onto the enshittified one.

                •  520   ( @520@kbin.social ) 
                  1 year ago

                  Yes it is. It’s perfectly valid.

                  It says that the changes in Overwatch 2 are unpopular with the reviewer.

                  If the changes were positive or even unnoteworthy, that review wouldn’t be there

                  • if you’re reviewing specific things you don’t like, that’s reviewing a product

                    leaving a negative review because “OW1 was killed off” isn’t doing that

                    if you want to discuss specific things you don’t like, please provide some that would reasonably justify OW2 being literally the worst reviewed game on steam rn

    • You are really trying to downplay the power of marketing, but you seem to realize that gets people playing. Not only that but live service design is very effective at keeping people playing even when they are not having any fun whatsoever. Because they gotta grind the battle pass and such. Extrinsic rewards and habit-forming conditioning making up for a lack of intrinsic enjoyment.

      Still, I would agree with you that it’s not the worst game on Steam, but like I mentioned in the other comment, that’s not what steam ratings mean. It means that the vast majority people would not recommend it, and that seems pretty reasonable.