The biggest challenge to getting an agreement over the European Union’s proposed AI Act has come from France, Germany and Italy, who favour letting makers of generativeAI models self-regulate instead of having hard rules.

Well, we saw what happened (allegedly) with OpenAI “self-regulating” itself.

  •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
    217 months ago

    Can anyone name any sector that, when left to self-regulate, has actually behaved in a responsible and constructive manner? Any company that did the right thing in the absence of regulation telling them to?

    • At this point, I think that regulations are useless. Not because these companies aren’t harmful. But because they will either convince the government that they’ll self-regulate, or they’ll use their insane profits to bribe the politicians into castrating the regulatory agencies. I’m convinced that the only way to prevent these greedy scum from harming humanity is to never let them grow that big in the first place. When these companies are big enough to control the government, they should be cut down to size with a healthy margin of safety.