For those that continually use services like Uber Eats, Grubhub, DoorDash, etc., how does justify using the cost?

With fees and tip added, it’s almost double the cost, the food arrives cold and wait time is longer than you picking it up yourself.

  • Living in Germany, so tips aren’t an issue here and fees as re usually miniscule, so my justification is that I’m a lazy motherfucker with an income that is high enough to allow this kind of stupid spending (not high enough to compensate for the cost though, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now:P)

    • Denmark checking in. No tips, delivery is mostly fair priced, I’m actually waiting for food at the moment, delivery was free.

      So absolutely justified … I’m more concerned about the choices I make on food.

  • Double the cost?! Jesus, if it were that high here I wouldn’t. I basically order from two restaurants when I do, for one of them that uses one of these delivery apps it’s around 20% more since they list higher prices per dish than on their menu and have a 1.50€ delivery fee on top, but the restaurant I usually order at where you can order delivery directly has a flat 1.50€ delivery fee with same prices as the menu so that’s around 7% more than going in person (usually I order for around 20€).

    It doesn’t arrive cold since they put it in one of these isolation boxes. Especially in the winter I think that’s better than me getting it myself which is a 10 minute bike ride, without an isolation box. I’m gonna have to try that next summer though. Never hurts getting a bit of exercise and I actually never checked until now and assumed it would be more like 30 minutes lol

  • Coz I get to carry on doing what I’m doing while the food turns up. It a suitable temperature, takes no time at all for me to walk to the door to thank the driver and it’s totally worth the extra 20% it costs me compared to picking it up. Especially if I’ve been drinking

  • Lately? I don’t. Uber, DoorDash, all of ‘em can’t bother to pay people what they’re worth, meanwhile customers are overcharged for literally everything.

    Furthermore, my experience in Austin, TX is that drivers can’t bother to actually read delivery instructions… or can’t because they can’t read English. This is fine, but translation apps exist and 9/10 drivers just can’t be bothered.

    My experience is also that, half the time, drivers can’t be bothered to actually double check whether the restaurant actually bothered to give them everything I ordered, or they’re taking shit for themselves because they aren’t getting paid enough. Whatever, that’s fine, most of the time Uber Eats would refund the stuff that was missing… right up until they stopped outright. I got tired of paying for food I straight up wasn’t getting.

    Never mind that Uber seems to be going out of their way to avoid paying anyone a living wage or even call the drivers employees in the first place.

    It’s just not worth it. I take less time to get the food myself anyway, and spend less doing it.

  • I have medical problems and it’s often hard to go out, or even impossible. I still enjoy restaurant food for its variety. Also, if I’m not feeling well enough to go to a restaurant, I’m probably not feeling remotely well enough to cook. And I can afford it.

    Delivery is a life changer for the disabled…if you can afford it.

  • I don’t live in America. Costs are reasonable. Dilevery is often free (probably hidden in the price of food, but food is only slightly more expensive, like 10% tops). Service fees are manageable, like 2-3 euros. Perhaps were still living the golden age of food delivery here and the increases will eventually come.

  • I don’t justify it because I almost never do it. I may get a pizza delivered once every 6 months or so but that’s it. I don’t think I’ve ever used uber eats or similar because I think they’re a complete ripoff.

    I have much better ways to waste my money.

  • I hate it but I’m constantly burned out from my my work so getting delivery is pay to win solution to “I’m hungry”. Funny thing is I’m actually good cook but just lazy. If I were to make something it would be better than usual takeout. I try to avoid it but still find myself doing it more often than I would like. Not daily tho.

    • Very relatable. One thing that I find helps me is ‘unintentionally’ starting with a tiny goal. For example, I might decide to fry some smoked tofu. Adequate on its own, so the deception is compelling, but while I’m here I should probably cut an onion, some peppers … hey, broccoli would be good, and suddenly I’m into it and I’ve completely forgotten about the overwhelming inertia from three minutes ago.

      It sort of reminds me of trying to see faint objects in the sky by looking away from them.

  • I used to justify it with “I’ve had a shit day, I deserve to be able to have something for the convenience” - not to mention, I don’t have a car so realistically it was “Do I want fast food or not”.

    Then I started to realize that every day tends to be a bad day for me, due to a multitude of reasons. I live paycheck to paycheck (which is why I don’t have a car in the first place) and the amount I was spending on takeout was way too high.

    Now the only time I do so is on Fridays because my workplace lets us spend $25 on their tab just for joining the weekly staff meeting. Aside from that, I might order a takeout once, maybe even twice, during a pay period as a “congrats for making it through last month” but I’d like to even stop doing that ideally.