I’m in my 20’s and I consider myself a complete ignorant, in the sense that whenever I make a decision I always think “What would the future me do if I had more experience/knowledge?”

So taking advantage of this space in Lemmy, what lesson that you had to learn by force or that you learned by experience that when you were younger you didn’t see you would teach your younger self?

And I mean lessons like: I must learn to love others, or I am worth more than I think I am.

  • The importance of all types of maintenance, including cleaning.

    When you take care of things right, they can last forever. I have clothing from 15+ years ago due to proper washing, storage, and a little sewing.

    I genuinely didn’t understand or care until my late twenties. That was a lot of wasted time and broken things that I could have salvaged.

    Whether its cars, computers, your home, or whatever else: regular cleaning and maintenance on a tight schedule is key to preventing interruptions and lost time.

  • Invest a portion of your savings. Inflation is inevitable and letting your money sit in a regular savings account just means you get poorer every year. I regret not doing it earlier and only started in my mid 30s.

    Also, take care of your teeth.

  • Take some time every now and then to consider why you’re doing the things you’re doing. You may do them out of fear, shame, perceived obligation, to avoid doing something else, because your parents want you to, etc. Or you may do them because they genuinely bring you job, help you in some way or make the world a better place… Anyway, we people are weird creatures. We get stuck in situations, relationships, obligations, bad habits, destructive patterns without realizing what’s happening. Try to stay aware, honest to yourself (and others) and keep learning :)

  • Wear hearing protection when you do anything loud. Mowing your lawn, going to concerts, working in a factory. PROTECT YOUR EARS. Once you have hearing loss, you can’t get it back.

    I’m barely over 40 and I get to get fit for hearing aids in a few weeks. Those will cost me around $4k. Insurance won’t cover all of it because apparently hearing is a luxury that people don’t need. It also may or may not help solve the tinnitus problem I’ve had for a while now, which is slowly driving me insane.

  • Emotions aren’t a weakness, and suppressing them isn’t strong but stupid. I felt so much “better” than other people because I was “rational” and “logical” while they where irrational because of their emotions. Turns out, as it often does when people feel better than others, that I was the one who was thinking the wrong way. I’m so happy that younger me never heard of people like Jordan Peterson or that “facts don’t care about your feelings” guy because I would’ve turned out a completely different person.

  •  IninewCrow   ( @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca ) 
    7 months ago

    Read, read, read … then read some more. Don’t just read entertainment and easy fiction. Read history books and works by famous writers. Look up a list of top 100 books that are highly recommended and read them. Read about famous people, famous places, famous battles, famous periods and moments in history.

    Read so that you’ll have a better understanding of why we live in the world we live in.

    If you don’t figure out for yourself what this world is and why it is the way it is … someone else will do it for you … and that someone else will not have your best interests in mind.

    Having a broad knowledge of many things also protects you because it will allow you to speak for yourself with confidence. You may not get everything right, no one ever fully does but at least you’ll be able to speak for yourself. You’ll also more easily be capable of seeing bullshit in the world and form your own opinions. Just remember to be kind, to learn empathy and understanding … if the ideas or writers or personalities you follow teach you anger, fear and hate, then you are definitely headed into a dark place.

    I read on my own more often now but I just wish I had done more so when I was younger.

    … and like others have said, take care of your teeth, eat less sugar, the better your habits the more likely you’ll stick to those habits for life.

  • “Accept that you’re not attractive for most people and stop looking for love in high school. It won’t happen.”

    “Cultivate friendships as the most valuable and close relationships to aspire to. Romantic love can happen, but it’s extremely unlikely. Search for your fulfillment elsewhere.”