• I probably wouldn’t quit my job because I like it. I probably wouldn’t even tell many people I had that much money. My only debt is my mortgage so that would be gone. I’d probably buy a better house with an actual yard. Sell this house to my roommate for dirt cheap. (There’s no way he’d just take it)

    Probably do some lying that my brother won some kind of raffle and give him a bunch of racecar parts. Shit maybe even sponsor a race team or two, gotta get the young kids back in the sport as all the old guys retire.

    I’d probably buy some land in another area, give myself a vacation house. But this wouldn’t be immediate. Probably get a new car, mines pretty old. Build a greenhouse on my new property, have way too many rescue animals. Maybe even run a small rescue.

    All this is assuming I’ve already set myself up for retirement and I’m good to go with everything else.

    • I probably would do the same as I love what the job entails.

      I’m pushing 40 and basically have everything settled and really don’t need a lot. Have my house, garden, friends, ect. Money would just be a nice stress relief at this point.

      Only problem I could see is that at the place I work is a 503©. So when/if the higher ups learn of my winnings, they’d either beg for donations or fire me.

      Probably the former as the department is already short staffed and you need a license to do this job.

  • Buy a nice home, upgrade it to my liking (CAT6 to all parts of it, solar panels/energy storage/network cabinet/make it watertight and safe for the next 50 years), buy a shitty looking van with a petrol powered pressure washer and indemnity insurance and spend my spare time going around cleaning paths and monuments etc. in my local area.

  • Buy large property, create an anarchist commune, build Earthships and similar housing out of sustainable recycled material, setup public gathering spaces, spa areas, perhaps stuff like rooms for artists, musicians, workshops, etc. Grow weed, shrooms and veggies, have some animals living in relative freedom and perfect health.

    Ensure everything is weather proof based on location’s projected future climate, build water/heating/energy infrastructure (solar, wind), offer each building as rent-to-buy, keep growing the community and make sure to plan for the day the government gets scared and sends in their death squads.

    Basically something like Kristiania in Copenhagen but bigger and more focused on sustainability and land mass, so probably outside of major cities.

    Addendum: Would be a good idea to make it impossible to have this grown into an insane religious cult though. 🌚

    • As cool as Earthships sound, I feel like they aren’t a good fit for all climates. I’m in Canada, and unless you live in BC (and I’m talking Vancouver or the island), your only sustainable building option is straw bale.

      Even if I could go further south to a more temperate climate, part of my fear is that anything south will get unbearable soon. Even Europe is going to be hot as hell.

    • I should add that I’d also take care of the more self-centered stuff like taking making sure my me and my girlfriend/*, parents and brother won’t have to work a day in ours lives (unless we fuck it up but I’d try to find someone capable and trustworthy who would take care of it).

      /* and since I’d never want her to feel captive I’d make sure all paperwork was done to allow her to walk with her money anytime, no matter what.

  • I’d do what Mark Cuban did with his Cost Plus Drug Company, which sells everything on it at cost + 15%, but for other essential products as well. I’d open up all types of stores that sell necessities - petrol, groceries, medication, plants, technology items, books, etc - at cost + whatever the lowest margin mark up I could get away with. The goal would be to drive prices down everywhere, not just at my stores. I’d also spend big on lobbying/campaigning for better legislation and regulation around essential goods and services.

    Low cost public housing would be another area. Buying up land to build low cost housing estates with all the facilities and amenities needed.

    Obviously it goes without saying I’d set up everyone of my family and close friends for life too.

  • Set up a program for kids to get school supplies and lunch money, and also for them to get some gear for playing games (e.g. a “good enough to play most games” PC or a console)

    This could also extend to hobbies in the arts like digital design software, paint supplies, instruments, you name it

    As a kid I wished so much that something like this was accessible to me

    Oh and also buy out adobe and make it’s subscriptions one-time payments again lol