Am I the only one who gets bunch of posts from leftist and even communist subs/circlejerks in their feed? It’s kinda weird to see genzedong and similar popping up in hot/rising feed. This just hopefully some of the growing pains of a new platform.

  • Unfortunately it seems really common for any new social media platform to lean way too hard into wither the far left or right, instead of finding a middle ground where a wider range of political views can coexist.

    But hey, if we had to pick one extreme, then far left is a lot better than the far right nazi apps that crop up a lot.

      • Are we really still “both siding” this?

        You have one side stating that the current social and economic systems cause a lot of people to suffer and die in poverty - maybe we could change the those systems so that the world becomes more fair and fewer people suffer.

        While the other side basically says: people we don’t like shouldn’t exist. Let’s make their lives more miserable.

        And you think those two positions are the same?

    • They have been a lot of time here, they were here maybe one or two years before the reddit migration. In that scenery, apart from your own arguments against socialism, we can not oppose to that presence in the fediverse, they have been warm to welcome new people, and they are active part of community. We had to deal everyday with far-right in reddit, give yourself the opportunity to know something different.

  • It seems like FOSS apps just appeal more to the far left than any other political group. And that’s coherent with all their other beliefs so it’s only logical. The same thing happens on Mastodon, though it’s less extreme. Could find some accounts of regional branches of the major left-wing party in my country, none center or right-wing.

    • Corporate interest IMO favors and spreads the far-right content. The only “big” far-right player I know on this space is Trump’s truth-social (that used Mastodon code to have a fast Twitter clone, and they defederated themselves).

      That will be interesting to watch: how much the far-right will appeal and spread in this more-leveled plainfield, without Big Tech help.

    • The simple reality is, left wing views get minimised, distorted or outright censored in standard media like reddit. It’s mostly just false flag stuff on reddit like calling liberals leftists or socialists. The only place to talk freely would be some tiny place in the middle of nowhere like a lemmy instance. Which makes supporting FOSS even more important.

      Righties like to cry censorship, but its almost purely when they foam at the mouth and “accidentally” get too abusive, forcing the platform to save face and ban them. Standard corporate media will megaphone right wing views and give them free reign to be open nazis unless they go a step too far as I mentioned before.

  • GOP is busy listening to pod casts that’s how they get all their information. They only know how to use their phones so it makes sense that they can’t actually explore the web and open their minds.

    Hence letting the religious fruitcakes take over and continue to push wild conspiracy theories and ignore science as their main party platform.

    What you are seeing is literally because the people you identify with are mostly fucking idiots. You should be so proud!

  • You can change what instance you use to one that defederates with the places you don’t want to participate with. Also, some apps allow you to hide specific instances through a UI option.

    • I’m not a fan of idea of completely getting cut out from parts of the fediverse because of ideological differences. Imo that just promotes further polarization. Though I might look into blocking couple instances if and when I get annoyed enough lol