• We built a good size catio in my backyard for just a few hundred bucks with 2x4s, chicken wire, screws, staple gun, and brackets. Kitties LOVE it! It’s big enough for a kiddie pool pond and a few people to sit, cat stuff, and litter boxes. It had to be done after losing cats and after my cats killed 2 rabbits and many lizards, kangaroo rats, etc. I’m sure my local wildlife is relieved and my cats still get to explore outside a bit!

  •  𝔇𝔦𝔬   ( @Dio@lemy.lol ) 
    310 months ago

    Rubbish. Gutter trash like this acts as if no other species that eats other animals exists on the planet and only felines are the grim reapers of catchable prey. If little stray kitty down the street could be/could have been adopted and kept indoors, the little sparrow could have been saved. ):

    You know. Until a hawk ate it or some thing.