I have been growing my hair out for months now, and it has reached a point where strands are getting stuck in my mouth all the time lol. I like the way my hair looks, but I would like it if it attacked me less. What solutions do you all use?

  • @Krrygon Insert ‘here’s the fun part - you don’t!’ meme here.

    But honestly, tying it back in a ponytail if it’s going to be a serious issue, trying to tuck the loose parts behind my ears, or wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up and hair tucked in there a bit.

    Alternately, just learning to accept that my diet is going to be partly my own hair (and partly my cats’).

    • I was afraid that might be the answer lmao. I do have cats, so I definitely get what you mean about learning to accept it. Cat hair just gets everywhere.

      Yeah, a ponytail is probably what I’ll have to do for the time being! Thanks!

      • I’m autistic, so I can’t stand the feeling of my hair brushing against my neck and getting in my face, so have always had long but out of the way hair (it still gets in the way, but less lol). There are so many different looks and styles and accessories and techniques, from a simple ponytail or plait (that have so many variations themselves!) to things like a hair loop and those beaded combs that are really easy ways to switch up your look! You’re going to have so much fun finding your favourites.

  • Having grown my hair down to my belly button over the last years…
    The “hair dips into your toast” phase is annoying af.

    Hair ties, hair clips, bobby pins, hats, etc.
    A nice hat when you’re going outside on a windy day helps a lot imho.
    Honestly, there’s a period when your hair is long enough to be annoying but not long enough to tie back and it’s, well, annoying.
    Good news is when it reaches just about your chin, you’ll be able to tie it back when it annoys you and it’s much less fuss from that point on.
    Once it’s even longer than that it will end on your chest and it’s not in the way as much.

    Pre-emptively cut the forked ends now and then.
    It seems counter productive to progress, but that’s still faster than breaking knots of tangled hair.


    A random dude with long hair.
    Edit: Oh and if you get yourself some hair ties, get those without the metal bit otherwise they break so much hair.

  • If I know I’m going to be dealing with wind for an extended time I’ll tie it back. Otherwise I just put up with hair in my face and brush it next chance I get. There is, unfortunately, no real way around it, unless you use so much styling product that your hair is glued in place.

  • When i grew out my hair there was a stage where it was long enough to be annoying but not long enough to tie, so i wore hats all the time then. Then it got long enough to tie up and i did that a lot, but hair ties stretch out so you have to keep buying them so i switched to chair clips and hair forks and that’s all i really use now