I often hear of people in work from home opportunities but I find them so rare to come across. What sites / resources do you use to find remote work opportunities? Which companies still do work from home?

Also please list the country the jobs are out of if you can.

  • Here in Germany many programming jobs, maybe even most, offer WFH these days. Sometimes you need to be in the office for 1 or 2 days a week, but often it’s fully remote. I work at a software development agency in a large city, but live in a village about 2.5 hours away. Haven’t been to the office for like 2 years.

  •  Neon   ( @Neon@feddit.uk ) 
    26 months ago

    I’m a bit of an outlier as I’ve been WFH since 2001 as a software developer in the UK. The first company was new when I joined and we decided not to have offices, the second knew it was part of the deal. To put things into perspective, I was on dialup for the first year. First DSL was .5 megabit, which was about 10x faster.

  • I work in office, but i also get to wfh when I’m sick, having an off day, or have an appointment mid day.

    I’m a Substation Designer, working with CAD. Any jobs that use CAD are going to have more at-home opportunities.

  •  edric   ( @scytale@lemm.ee ) 
    6 months ago

    A lot of tech jobs (developers, sysads, etc.) that only require a laptop to work have fully remote opportunities. Jobsites like linkedin show if a position is full-time, remote, or hybrid. I haven’t tried, but you can probably add a filter to the search function to only pull up remote jobs. Your best bet IMO is a laptop-based job on a global company, because a more scattered workforce means less chances of gathering together and more opportunity to push for wfh.

  • Work for a broadcaster in the UK in one of the back office support roles. We can all work from home for 2 or 3 days every week and the other 2 or 3 in the office.

    It was initially ‘suggested’ post-Covid but from January it will be mandatory to do it as people were not sticking to the suggested days.

  • Many jobs in Finance (Accounting Finance, not customer facing like banking) are remote at this point because they’re all done via email, spreadsheets, PDFs and corporate systems, none of which require a physical presence in an office building.