I assume there must be a reason why sign language is superior but I genuinely don’t know why.

  •  kae   ( @kae@lemmy.ca ) 
    5 months ago

    Would you rather watch content in your native language, or subtitled? If you read translated content, it’s fine. But it’s not the same as hearing something performed for you. Might be hard to grasp if your language is largely auditory and written, rather than visual and emotive.

    Just because sign language is a visual language, does not mean reading is an equivalent. There is a ton of nuance and feeling that goes into communicating through sign language that is not possible through text alone.

    Beyond the communication piece, there is respect of an individual who natively speaks a language, and the importance of keeping the language alive.

    • Would you rather watch content in your native language, or subtitled?

      Subtitled, 100 times out of 10. In fact, that’s what I already do, alongside a significant portion of the non-anglophone world.

      But it’s not the same as hearing something performed for you.

      Considering the fact that nearly all TV media is made to only be fully enjoyed if you can hear it, that’s a given. Deaf people are missing out either way, though.

      There is a ton of nuance and feeling that goes into communicating through sign language that is not possible through text alone.

      Just like there’s a ton of nuance that can’t be communicated by text alone when compared to spoken words, you mean?

      the importance of keeping the language alive.

      This is the only factor you’ve presented I can agree with. Programmes are presented with sign language because it’s important to maintain awareness that it exists. Deaf people are a very small minority, so keeping their languages alive is essential.

  •  Snoopy   ( @Snoopy@jlai.lu ) 
    5 months ago

    I’m profound deaf. I sign, write and speak. :)

    Well, sign language aren’t superior. Having both : subtitles (hard hearing people) and sign language (deaf people) is better. I prefer subtitle because it is closer to the speech and i’m not fond of sign video. Often the sign interpreter is small and sign very quickly.

    In general, i prefer text, it help me focusing on the content instead of the person and use less bandwidth…

    Sign language still lacks lot vocabulary. It’s a young language «created» in the 18s when Abée de l’Épée founded the first deaf school. And i had to create lot technical signs with sign language interpreters during my agricultural course. Furthermore, they don’t have an official sign writing yet, and it is a problem for keeping human knowledge and culture outside video and technological device. So there is still lot things to do and improve.

    In France, lot deaf people aren’t fluent with French writing due to the lack of bilingual school (French writing and French sign language) and interpreters (eg : only 200 hours in sign language for 1 year in universities).

    So, having sign language improves a lot the accessibility for deaf people as they are not fluent with writing language. For me, i prefer both. Both are good and it meet each people need. :)

  • In addition to the fact that it’s not just English via hand gestures, I believe it’s done because sign language is speech, with all of the benefits that comes with. There are extra channels of communication present in sign language beyond just the words. There’s equivalents of tone and inflection, and (I beleive) even accents. Like, this video of this lady performing “Fuck You” in ASL is what made it click for me when I first saw it many years ago. She’s just so fucking expressive, in a way that subtitles could never be.

    EDIT: changed my wording to be more accurate, since sign language literally is speech through a different medium. There’s no need to draw an unnecessary boundary.

    • To add to this, repeats with added sign language were (are?) often broadcast late at night because you were meant to set your video to record them to use as teaching materials. wasn’t just sign language, a lot of the videos shown in school was stuff that had been taped from 3am

    • I’ve heard that because written English is phonetic - meaning it shows how the sounds are (approximately) - then for people who have always been deaf that doesn’t make the same sense, and reading words is a bit like reading a bunch of telephone numbers and remembering what they mean.

      •  Gabu   ( @Gabu@lemmy.ml ) 
        5 months ago

        I.e. the same as a programming language, which can be easily learned to be read at astounding speed… Also, written English is one of the least phonetic languages you could possibly find.

        • Not really. You can still sound out the phonemes in a programming language. Perhaps if the whole thing were perl memes. And while I agree English orthography is a mess, for “not phonetic” it holds no candle to Chinese.

          Maybe Chinese is a better comparison, I hadn’t thought of that.

  • Beides being more natural to follow for native Sign “speakers” (do you say Sneakers? No idea), at live broadcasts it is way more efficient than live subtitling