Just thought about it with the latest announcement about a new Jurassic Park release.

The first one is a masterpiece, the sequels are debatable.

What do you think about this trend in the industry to juice the maximum out of every movie?

    • Discworld has basically a perfect track record with me and it still hit franchise exhaustion. Never read a bad Discworld book and I love Pratchett, but at some point I just subconsciously decided that it was enough. Maybe one day it’ll wear off, but I’ve never felt a desire to finish the series even though I’m more likely to enjoy another Discworld book than a random new author/series.

  • Yes, I do.

    I’ve grown to the point of exhaustion with Marvel where I wont choose to see anything new on my own. They still make things I enjoy, like Loki, but unless a friend asks me to see it I wont even consider it. This isn’t just a superhero or quality thing either. I will still at least consider something by DC even though it has had a far worse track record in terms of me enjoying their output (though it’s still at a significant disadvantage).

    Star Wars was a really early example for me starting to lose patience with franchises. As a kid, I devoured Star Wars content. I watched all the movies, read the EU, played the games, excitedly showed up to the theater for Episodes 1 & 2. But in the three years between 2 & 3 I was tired of it, and ended up seeing it after the movie came out on DVD because a friend put it on at their place. This is despite a very high success rate - I liked the EU stuff I was reading, I enjoyed Episode 1 (and to a lesser extent 2), I loved the games. Episode 3 did end up being a miss for me, but I think it might have been the first and it came after my exhaustion with the franchise.

  •  _ed   ( @_ed@sopuli.xyz ) 
    5 months ago

    Almost finished watching all 20-odd James Bond movies. Fun but Not sure I’d watch any more. No interest in other franchises I used to like e.g. alien or Indiana jones.

  • I’m still on the marvel train, but I was fascinated by the comics already and really love to be in a Marvel universe “from the start” I really don’t have fatigue there, they even cut release a series every month and I happily consume it, lol