There’s also an alternate script if you want to talk with a Republican senator, and you don’t feel they’ll be swayed by the language in the linked site.

    • That’s actually not true. Keeping their job depends on winning elections, and their staff absolutely keeps track of who from their constituency calls or contacts their office and expresses a particular opinion on a particular issue. Because if someone cares enough to call, they definitely care enough to vote, and if one issue gets a ton of call-ins it’s a strong indication to them about how people are going to vote about that particular issue.

      It’s not the whole story; legalized bribery has a lot to do with how they make their decisions also. But saying they completely ignore people calling in and telling them how they feel about particular issues is ridiculous.

      Here’s a citation for it. I don’t know if you want to listen to that person any more than you want to listen to me, but it’s accurate.

    • And even if you were to actually get it before your rep, it’s likely that neither they or anyone on their staff is tech savvy enough to understand it.

      We are ruled by a generation raised when the highest form of tech in ones house was MAYBE a color tv and it shows.

    • I mean, I hate a nanny state too, but let’s not pretend parents aren’t just letting internet connected tablets do the babysitting like Boomer parents utilized TV in the 90’s.

      The difference is the internet has straight up porn and beheading videos on it.

      Sure, its the parents job, but between parents who simply don’t have time because they work so much and parents who just straight don’t give a shit we are overall failing the children of this country.

      Still doesn’t mean KOSA is the solutjon, just… Let’s not pretend it isn’t a problem.