
*You can teleport into and out of it at will

*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from

*You can take objects and people with you

*As already stated, it is (3m)^3 (3m*3m*3m). The walls are plain plaster with a light in the middle of the ceiling. The pocket dimension is topologically toroidal, so if there weren’t walls and a ceiling/floor (which you can actually destroy) you would loop if you went more than 3m in any direction. Gravity, then, is artificial and can be altered to anywhere from 0 to 2g from a dial on the wall.

Edit: additional specifications

*You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

*Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension

*There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you

  • Man, the places I could hike without having to carry a pack! Wouldn’t need to plan for resupply or anything. Would have communication access from anywhere in the world.

    You could use it as a kickass home gym where you can dial up or down gravity depending on what you’re doing.

    Smuggling would be a whole lot easier if you went that route. Transporting all sorts of things really; you only need to get yourself to the new location.

    Could do some very amazing magic tricks since you can disappear (and swap props or outfits or whatever).

    With gravity turned down you could presumably build up some momentum and launch yourself places. Not sure how you’d stick the landing unless you can control which way is “up” as you teleport to the room.

    Edit: Just realised this idea is kinda similar to an ability from HunterxHunter

    •  Zozano   ( ) 
      8 months ago

      Knov’s nen ability was such a cool idea. Using it as a killing floor for Netero to pick off the chimera one by one was brutal.

      I’m surprised they didn’t plan to use it to trap Meruem somehow. Netero could have slapped Meruem into one of the portals.

  • break top

    break bottom

    insert shit ton of rocks

    set gravity to 2g for faster gravitational acceleration

    I have acquired rocks that can keep falling and build up velocity forever.

    live life as usual; when I’m old enough to near death, aim for anywhere within the planet with said rocks.

    Assuming I fill the 3x3x3 box half to half with sandstone and air; its weight will be 33kg.

    If I live for 70 years more, assuming the gravitational acceleration is 19.72 m/s^2; I can generate stones that can go up to 156.8 billion km/s (or 145 times the speed of light)

    Using the kinetic energy formula; I’m pretty sure unleashing this anywhere will be enough to destroy a huge chunk of the existing universe and in the end I’ll be the person to go out of the world with the biggest bang.

    Well, specifics about the big bang is not known; but I’ll be its closest contender if it is correct.

      • I don’t think the drag force due to air would work the same in a system with such a high concentration of rocks. It’s not like one object falling through undisturbed fluid, which then has to get out of the way, in this case the air would gradually start to move along with the rocks.

        This might be better modelled as turbulent flow of a mixed solid/air suspension. But there’s no ‘edges’ to the flow due to the looped dimension, so the viscous forces are pretty uniform… There would still be a terminal velocity, but much much higher than a rock falling through an atmosphere

        Also I imagine the rocks would quickly grind themselves to very fine dust, once they pick up a bit of kinetic energy, so then it would behave more like a fluid with uniform density… Could it even end up as laminar flow?

  • Some ideas:

    1. A fast way to dig holes, if ‘soil’ or ‘stone’ is an object.
    2. Annoy physics teachers – move in and out to drive a piston. Perpetual motion!
    3. Moving day is easy.
    4. Server farm.
    5. Safe house.
    6. Is momentum conserved? Not sure how general relativity would work. Win a Nobel Prize.
    7. Building stuff in space just got a lot easier and safer. 27 cubic meters of free payload!
  • Well, feel like I could quite easily become a very famous stage magician a la “The Prestige” which would help make me rich while letting me keep the pocket dimension thing hidden in plain sight so to speak.

    But my mind, as always, races to the limits more so than the possibilities. What would happen if I bring in more stuff than would fit? Say I bring in a decimeter cubed of concrete over and over until I no longer fit inside the cube if I’m allowed the concrete with me in? What if teleport in while driving? Does the car come with even though it doesn’t fit? And if I return to the spot I entered does that mean I’ll plopp out on the highway while my car is wrecked a ways down the road or inside my mangled car? What if the space i entered from is occupied or otherwise lethal?

    What if I teleport in while under water? The void i leave in such an instantaneous fashion would behave quite interestingly if I did it at great depth.

    • You can’t bring in more stuff than would fit, as it just wouldn’t fit. If you did, it would become a black hole. If the space you were going to pop out at would be occupied/lethal, you instead pop out at the nearest nonlethal space. And yeah, voids underwater would be cool.

      • It wouldn’t be a black hole, it’d be like pushing concrete into a slab of concrete. It just would take an insane amount of force to compress, and you’d have no leverage

        Conversely, what’s the range for taking things in and out?

        What if you brought in extremely pressurized liquid air? Could you just take 1cc and release it next to someone’s head? If you took open cones of tungsten in, you could probably abuse it to shoot them like a bullet

        What about thermal properties? If the space wraps in on itself, there’s nowhere for the heat to dissipate. You could fill it with extremely high temperature plasma, then take out a little at a time to melt/explode almost anything.

        That all depends on the distance - you could fill it with thermite and burning magnesium for a trigger to fill it with extremely hot pressurized gas, but if you have to touch to take it out you’d destroy the body part that took it out… You could sacrifice a finger to blow up someone’s head, but ultimately your power would stop at being a suicide bomber

        Personally I wouldn’t do any of that. It’d ruin the outlet

  • If I bring luggage or a person in with me, can I leave them there for a few hours? Would they have a way to get out if something happens to me? (Travel just got easier in my mind)

    Edit: also, did you mean 3m x 3m x 3m, or 3m^3, which is 1m x 1m x 3m?

  •  _NoName_   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    This is a terrifying power, I gotta say. Like a dude could carry an entire armory around and deploy it Looney-toons-style wherever he wanted.

    I would probably just put a bunch of shelves in it and use it as a personal EDC gear storage space. 3m^3 is more than enough space to store pretty much anything you might need in a jiffy.

    There’s also apart of me that thinks putting a bed in there would mean not having to bring a date back to your place or to a hotel - but being real I’d probably never use it if I set it up like that.

    • The thought of having literally every tool conceivable immediately available without having to move is fantastic.

      I’m in love with the concept of laying under my car, while also being able to get any particular tool in my hand, without ever having to get up, or having a little pile of sockets, wrenches, and bolts next to me that I have to navigate by feel.

    • You know, every time there’s a mass shooting in the US, a lot is made out of their big collection, but I always think about how you can only shoot one at once anyway, so it’s actually a dumb thing to fixate on.

      The real evil use would be telling nobody and becoming the world’s best smuggler.

      • I mean, I’m not just talking about the guns. Imagine you’re at the bank, and then an individual in full tactical gear materializes behind you. He has a substantial amount of ammo and disappears every time he reloads. Molotovs, grenades, hell, you could even fit a flamethrower. You could fit a massive bomb into that space if you wanted. And you could potentially completely escape the effects of the blast inside you pocket dimension.

        I’m not so sure about the smuggling thing. You would still likely be found out, since you’d have clientele and would be traceable to them either via phone, online messaging, or in-person interactions. Sure, you are immediately known about in the terrorist cases but you could pretty easily hide out pursuit, potentially getting away with multiple attacks, and there’d be little-to-no indicators of what’s about to happen for the victims until you appeared.

        Like, this is some shit straight out of The Boys.

        • I mean, I’m not just talking about the guns. Imagine you’re at the bank, and then an individual in full tactical gear materializes behind you. He has a substantial amount of ammo and disappears every time he reloads. Molotovs, grenades, hell, you could even fit a flamethrower. You could fit a massive bomb into that space if you wanted. And you could potentially completely escape the effects of the blast inside you pocket dimension.

          Okay, but it still doesn’t take more than one good hit to take said guy down - even in a vanishing tank they would eventually figure out where to direct the airstrike. And the bank would have given him the exact same cash drawer with just an imaginary gun he claims is in his pocket.

          Yes, you absolutely would still get on the radar after a while as a big smuggler. Or whacked by a rival in your chosen organised crime group or insurgency. A Western government couldn’t really charge you with smuggling unless they can prove you have magical powers, though, and they would have to try and catch you doing something else illegal instead. The one exception I can think of is if you figured out something you can be the end consumer of, as well, but I don’t know what that would be.

          Edit: Although, bombing might be an idea. You could fit a couple week’s supplies and and a car bomb amount of explosives in there, no problem. I doubt it would be more lucrative or safer than smuggling, though.

  •  umbrella   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    Free electricity? Mining crypto with a lot of stolen hardware.

    Smuggling would be easy for reasons already mentioned.

    Murder would be easy. Teleport someone in, teleport out all the air.

    Escaping from robberies and hairy situations, likewise creating hairy situations.

    Sleeping in 0g sounds comfy, training at 2g sounds awesome.

    Living rent free on every city ever. Paired with a car means I can be everywhere.

    Huge portable storage box.