• At what point do we have to have a serious conversation about just what sort of work we can expect a 70 year old to be able to do?

    It’s all well and good raising the retirement age, but eventually you’ll get to a point where you’ve got people who are simply unemployable because of their age.

    •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
      35 months ago

      The robotic, having been trained at the whim of the public schoolboy, but now lacking the need to avoid such scant societal pressure which sometime feigns to temper the worst excesses, will of course be more caring… to consolidate power & wealth.

      My hope is that they somehow neglect to weave their cruel systems into the same servers upon which the distribution of such essentials as water, food & medicine rely.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The retirement age will have to rise to 71 for middle-aged workers across the UK, according to research into the impact of growing life expectancy and falling birthrates on the state pension.

    “But if you bring preventable ill health into the equation, that would have to increase even more,” added Mayhew, who is also professor of statistics at Bayes Business School and has advised the government on rises to the state pension age multiple times as a senior civil servant and in his current roles.

    Jonathan Cribb, associate director and head of retirement at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said that while he did not disagree with a higher pension age, increasing it without addressing other cost-saving measures was not “realistic or equitable”.

    He added: “It would disproportionately impact poorer individuals whose ill-health means they have shorter lives, and so who receive pensions for less time.”

    The Intergenerational Foundation, an independent thinktank, agreed that the pension age had to rise, but questioned on whose shoulders that cost should fall.

    “Increasing the state pension age would be a terrible policy – a really bad way of attempting to make people more productive,” he said.

    The original article contains 825 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • I love how the powers that be are like “this is a hard problem”. No it fucking ain’t. Look east, towards Denmark; one of the strongest, wealthiest societies on the planet, literally running a state surplus every year, with the happiest citizens on the planet.

    Just do what Denmark does. Copy-paste.