about to finish book 9 out of 40 for the year this morning. we’re also in the planning stages of something related to Beehaw which hopefully we’ll fit into this month, but no promises

  •  autumn (she/they)   ( @autumn@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    little dog is getting a second heartworm test. her first one came back positive today, which is odd because she’s been on preventatives the past three years. fingers crossed it’s just a fluke and we won’t have to do the four month treatment which involves exercise restriction.

    pupdate: the other two tests came back negative, so she’s heartworm free! the vet was baffled and going to see how that first test came back positive twice.

  • My 5mo is having a really hard time sleeping which means my partner and I haven’t really slept through the night in 5 months. It’s affected us psychologically. We keep hoping he’ll come through. Every once in a while he’ll go for 6 hours but it’s so inconsistent. The naps are a real point of stress, too.

  • For once, things are finally looking up.

    Saturday: Went out to trivia with people from a newly formed local Discord. (first social outing in months) Sunday: Very stimulating conversation with a woman in Canada for 10 hours. Too bad I’m in Texas. Monday: Truck runs again! Loose nut on the lug to the starter motor in the end. Tuesday: First shower in weeks, all laundry done, some shit cleared out of the van. Wednesday: Plugged in at the makerspace and realized I’ve not really been above 50% battery in weeks. Today: Main computer working at the space after reseating literally everything. It’s a beast after living with an entry-level Surface Pro 7 for months.

    Now if I could find a job …

  • Still in uni, got a snow day. It was a nice change of pace since this month is gonna drive me crazy. I had to pull back from a couple activities because the graphic design portfolio admission deadline is in the beginning of March. (One activity was a part time job I really like— which is an ouch. But I’ll hopefully be able to pick it up again once this is all over, based on my supervisor…) The other one is my vice president position at a community service club, but the term is ending in a month, so it’s perfect timing.

    Speaking of clubs, I’ve been trying to revive the AIGA club at my school, and we voted on board today. I became president through a unanimous vote. (☍◡⁰) it was not my intention at first, but no one was raising their hand to take the role… And even the faculty advisor said she was gonna call out my name if I didn’t raise my hand lol. I think I maybe, just maybe made a good impression since I’ve been creating the building blocks. And I was too dumb to realize that ppl would want me to lead since I was… already leading, I guess. 🫠 Haha whoops.

    But I’m sure it’ll pay off. I’m a little nervous but also excited! Life is crazy right now but I hope everything ends well! (Because it would be even more awkward to not get into the design program when I’m the president of the design club ._.)

  • US healthcare sucks. I’m gonna have to stop seeing my therapist, as they’re out of network, and financials are too tight right now. Also I can’t get my stimulant prescription, it’s constantly in high demand and low supply. Can’t afford name brand, of course.

  • I started my final year Physiotherapy internship this week. It’s been a busy week mentally and physically but all in all, a good week. Last week, I was a bit unsure how this week would go as I’m doing this in Dutch and I’m still learning the language. I do sometimes find myself smiling and nodding when people are talking and all I’m hearing is “blah blah blah” but then somehow it all comes together.

  • The good: my older sister and I went to see my biological dad for the first time in a decade.

    The bad: my weekend is over and I’m physically and mentally exhausted.

    The bittersweet: I found out from my dad that my baby sister, who I hadn’t seen since she was born, was taken into foster care and then adopted by a family in Alaska. I’m super bummed because I really wanted to be a part of her life again. He says he has contact information for the family, but I’m not holding my breath.

  •  🐠 tiago🍍   ( @tiago@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    that’s great! way ahead of the goal, i see. what was this last book about?

    i’ve met with 3 people i cherish and haven’t seen in a while (a best friend, a cousin, and a fwb), yet there’s this lingering sensation it was all sour and i didn’t know how to properly react.

    apart from that, I’ve been more physically active in the evenings. and I’ve eaten! regularly!

    i treated myself by having a loooong play session of Hollow Knight. the stopping point was right after a key upgrade, so it felt like a cliffhanger (!!!) for when i pick it up again.

    • that’s great! way ahead of the goal, i see. what was this last book about?

      it was Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion which, as the title might imply, is about Cuba and how it conducts elections (with a lot of context for how that system was arrived at, how it works, features of the system, etc).

      i wrote about it fairly briefly as follows elsewhere:

      i think this is a good book on the Cuban system as seen from Cuba, and a good book if you’re looking for a heterodox opinion on Cuba’s system. i’m sure you won’t agree with every assertion in the book, nor every prescription that Cuba’s system applies—i certainly don’t—but i have much more appreciation for the Cuban system than i did previously

  • Date number 2 with the chef girl update:

    It went super well, we spent 8 hours together from 1pm to almost 9:30pm, she ended up coming over to my place and we cuddled for like an hour or two while she showed me tiktoks and we talked, which only felt like minutes since time flew by at an insane pace. She said she had a great time too, that it was so nice she couldn’t put it into words, so I think it went very well. Got a third date with her for this coming Friday already, this time at her place.

  • Doing good, got my second date with the chef girl tomorrow at 1pm, kinda nervous as it may rain and ruin our plans, but I at least have a backup plan should it do so. Also pretty nervous since I’ve only been on 1 second date before, never gone any further, so it’s gonna be an interesting ride after tomorrow…

      • It went super well, we spent 8 hours together from 1pm to almost 9:30pm, she ended up coming over to my place and we cuddled for like an hour or two while she showed me tiktoks and we talked, which only felt like minutes, time flew by at an insane pace. She said she had a great time too, that it was so nice she couldn’t put it into words, so I think it went very well. Got a third date for this coming Friday already. This time at her place.

  • Just finished week 2 of my new job, after I was unemployed for 8 months. It’s a job that I actually really like, am qualified to do, the people I work with are fantastic, and it pays well. But I burned through all my emergency savings, so I gotta start over for the next time this inevitably happens.

    Next move is to get out of this gerrymandered shithole state that I live in, but I’ve got a few loose ends to tie up first. Things are trending up for me, after a really long nosedive.