I’ve read more of the gender dysphoria Bible and between thy, my therapist, and some other comments around here, I’ve finally had a few puzzle pieces finally fit into place and thy finally Feels pretty good. Like, to some extent I’ve further accepted my transness and just feel more at peace thinking about myself. It’s still different and difficult, but to a certain extent, I feel more settled into who I really am and it’s kind of nice.

Definitely, I’m still terrified of how my state and nation is going, but, I do feel better about myself internally, and it does feel good.

  • I’m happy for you. I also remember the weight that was lifted from my psyche when I finally put a name to what I was feeling.

    As for your nation and state, the best thing to do is to get politically involved with other local LGBT folks. There’s nothing that makes one feel more helpless than sitting around and dreading the future!

  • You know what, I get more and more defiant about the government bullshit. One of the things that kept me going when I was at my lowest? Spite. Lotsa spite, deciding that I’m gonna live to be an endless thorn in these bastards’ sides. And I’m gonna help others be the same. The funny thing is once I made it out of the valley I was in, I found a lot more reasons to keep going, which was a nice bonus.

    Another thing that helps is knowing there are so many of us out there. Even if we are made to suffer, we won’t suffer alone. Every little podunk town has a couple trans folks in it, and that’s beautiful.

    For my part, I’d like to pair off with one or more transbians, find a nice place to live, look after eachother, and fully enjoy what life has to offer. That’s my trans dream lol; politicians, and courts, gender markers and IDs, and police officers be damned. How are they gonna stop me, nuh uh ~