• I really don’t get the fawning over PIC season 3. It was bad. I’d love to see more of Ryan in a new series, but only if they recruit writers on par with SNW and lose the phone numbers of those who did PIC.

      • It was… Okay. Better then the first 2 seasons of Pic by a mile at least. If it was just the first 5 or so episodes I might even call it good. Yeah it was big, dumb, and loud, but it was also full of nostalgia bait, some of which admittedly did resonate with me. The bar was just so low after the TNG movies and first two season of PIC that traumatized fans were happy to have a seemingly final sendoff that wasn’t completely terrible.

          • The deaths of


            Hugh and Icheb

            were particularly upsetting for me, personally (especially the graphic nature of the latter). PIC S1 had way too much “let’s kill people for no good reason” events.

            I’d be perfectly happy if the dead PIC characters just showed up alive and well in a later show, no reason given. (They already did this with Q, right?)

              • No and no. I was disappointed and a bit upset, but not traumatized. Though if someone told me that the beginning of S1E5 was traumatic for them, I’d believe it.

                I do believe people when they say they enjoy S3. Even though the story was just a bunch of reheated plot elements from other Treks, there is some joy to be had viewing it as a TNG reunion special. It’s “Return to Mayberry” to the tune of BSG 2003, nothing more and nothing less.

                (In contrast, Star Trek IV is the best TV reunion special ever made. Everyone’s playing an exaggerated version of their 1960’s personas and having a blast. It too is a bunch of reheated plot elements - the probe is awfully similar to Nomad and V’Ger at first glance, and “let’s time travel to insert current year” was already the plot of two different TOS episodes. I’m trying to think of how a hypothetical good Picard season could’ve tapped into the same energy that STIV did.)

  •  Handles   ( @halm@leminal.space ) 
    104 months ago

    TrekMovie […] asked if she is ready to lead the much-discussed Star Trek: Legacy spin-off

    Much-discussed but still to be officially verified.

    IMO they need to jettison at least Jack Crusher and his Jedi lineage for that show to be even theoretically tolerable. Terry Matalas really showed with Picard s3 that he has no flair for Trek.