Which one(s) and why?

  • Which one(s)



    1. The Arch-Wiki
    2. I like pacman
    3. The Arch-Wiki
    4. I wanted a rolling-release distribution.
    5. The Arch-Wiki
    6. It just works. I had only one more serious problem in ~8 years of running Arch
    7. Did I mention the Arch-Wiki?


    Having said that, I have an eye on immutable distros. Maybe one day I’ll try one out.

        • Even on Debian 12? That’s what I’ve installed now and I really want to give it a shot.

          Edit: tried setting up Hyprland via the Manual install from Releases way, it needed a few libxcb dependencies and it needed execute permissions, but after that I hit a roadblock: libxcb-errors which doesn’t seem to be available on Debian.

                • Yeah. I’m on Fedora currently and it turns out that, through Copr and rpmfusion, I could get everything set up and all my packages installed so I’ve been on it for a few days now, and with dnf5, install speeds are actually good so I’ve decided to stick to it, and I think I’ll keep on using it for the foreseeable future, probably at least until the release of Fedora 40 (at which point, if all my packages and Copr repos are updated for Fedora 40, I’ll probably upgrade to it, as it seems there is really nothing better for me out there: I’ve tried Arch, NixOS, Tumbleweed, Debian, Ubuntu, Void, and many others and they all lack something I need). So, Fedora might just become my forever distro, but who knows? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  •  Engywuck   ( @Engywuck@lemm.ee ) 
    4 months ago

    Arch. Minimal, fast, rolling and it doesn’t break. Plus, the AUR and the Wiki are unvaluable.

    Had been on: RedHat (199something), Mandrake, Slackware, Ubuntu and Debian before.

    • Yeah might have gotten stuck on Debian as well if I didn’t make the mistake to run stable when I first tried it. Choosing stable made sense to me since I wanted a stable os but when I was greeted by “ICE weasel” that was way behind the Firefox I got used to on Ubuntu and other software being terribly out of date I decided to move on.

      Well then I got stuck on Arch.

      But while it would be easy to say “never looked back” that’s not true of course, these days I tun Debian on most of my machines (only that they are servers) and Ubuntu on some (like my work Laptop) my personal Desktop and laptop are Arch though and probably always will be.

  •  GravitySpoiled   ( @GravitySpoiled@lemmy.ml ) 
    4 months ago

    Fedora atomic GNOME aka silverblue

    • It has very good defaults, works out of the box, I can switch anytime to another de or a ublue image without messing around with my setup
    • selinux
    • podman
    • flatpak centric
    • auto updates
    • widely used

    Current Cons:

    • openssl is not installed by default (for gsconnect)
    • gnome-tweaks is not installed by default
    • uses toolbx instead of distrobox. Toolbx is better for servers, distrobox better for desktop, imo.
    • flatpak firefox isn’t used
  • Servers are a different story but for Desktop, OpenSUSE.


    • It’s stable even on their rolling OS (Tumbleweed)
    • Gaming works exceptionally well
    • CUDA works with little effort
    • RPM-based (personal preference)
    • zypper is an excellent package manager and my experience has been better than that of yum/dnf
    • Extensive native packages and 3rd party repos
    • No covert advertising in the OS
    • Minimal (no?) Telemetry
    • Easy to bind to active directory
    • it feels polished and well built
    • I do not have to mess with it to make it work

    Part of my transition from Windows to Linux was that basic tasks like installing software or even the OS itself shouldn’t be a high effort endeavour. I should be able to point to a package file or run a package manager and be able to go about my day without running “make” and working my way through dependency hell.

    I say this as a Linux user of all different flavours for well over 15 years who has a deep love for what it brings to the table. If we want it to be common place with non-IT folks, it needs to work and it needs to be simple to use.

  • I settled on two.

    1. Arch for my desktop, because there I like having an always up-to-date system with the latest drivers and libraries so that I can always try the latest versions of whatever it is I want to play with next. Pacman is also a pretty good package manager, and almost any piece of software that is not in the default repos can be found in the AUR. For the rest, I also like that Arch just gets out of your way and lets you configure your system how you want.

    2. Debian for anything that runs unattended, like all my homelab services. It’s well tested, offers feature stability, has long-enough support, and doesn’t do weird things every other release like forcing snaps or netplan or cloud-init on you. Those “boring” qualities make it the perfect base to run something for a long time that doesn’t scream for attention all the time.

    • This is precisely where I am at. Endeavor for when I need a newer kernel and Mint for when I want something that just dang works without too much config and driver work. I suggest Mint to friends but love having AUR and yay.

      • The just dang works part of Mint is so nice. I do like learning and tinkering, but I have to say setting up my printer in endeavourOS was brutal! I had all the right software installed, but it ended up needing a single line of code pasted in to a file I never would have guessed on my own. I’ll paste the info here on the slight chance it will save anyone else from the trauma I went through 😅

        Reference article: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Avahi

        2.1 Hostname resolution
        Avahi provides local hostname resolution using a “hostname.local” naming scheme. To enable it, install the nss-mdns package and start/enable avahi-daemon.service. use sudo instead of doas if that’s the tool you prefer.

        doas systemctl start avahi-daemon.service

        Then, edit the file /etc/nsswitch.conf and change the hosts line to include mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] before resolve and dns. It should look like:

        hosts: mymachines mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] files myhostname dns
    •  witx   ( @witx@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      4 months ago

      EndeavourOS is way too opinionated on i3 for my liking, and the theme is not great. Still it is very stable and offers a reasonable out of the box arch experience.

        • Not sure about KDE. On i3 they have it customized a lot and there’s some things I don’t like: when opening a terminal it will always open in a workspace assigned, by them, for terminals. The same with file manager windows, browsers, et al. I find it to be extremely irritating

          • Oh yeah, I get what you mean. There were a few tweaks like that in the KDE file manager too. Dolphin would open with a lot of extra features running like a terminal at the bottom of the window and extra information panes on the sides. They were all normal dolphin features that were just toggled on by default, so I was able to get back to a cleaner experience with a few clicks, but it sounds like that may be their MO: turn on ‘helpful’ features in the user space by default. That was the only app that had non - default settings in KDE that I found, it sounds like it’s not as customized as i3.

    • I’m right with you. I started with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn in 2007, and I’ve tried a bunch of distros since then. Mint requires the least amount of fussing with out of the box for standard functionality. I’ve also recently moved to the Debian Edition and very happily. I believe it is the future of Mint.

  •  wolf   ( @wolf@lemmy.zip ) 
    94 months ago

    Debian, settled down few years ago and my fallback would be Fedora.

    Nice thing about Debian is, I can use it for servers, desktop and raspberry pi on am64, arm7 and aarch64. This is a real killer feature for me, because I’d rather do interesting things with my devices instead of learning n different ways to accomplish the same tasks. (e.g. using different distributions for server/desktop/pi and having to figure out 3 times the names of the same packages or where the configuration file in which version is expected.)