For those of you worried about testosterone levels, or who have been told that they aren’t trans and “just have low testosterone” or something similar, I thought I would take the chance to show my pre transition T levels.

The image shows the average testosterone levels for cis men, by age. That upper red line is the 97.5% percentile line, meaning that 97.5% of cis men have T levels below this rate. And if you look, there I am, above that line!

Yet, I transitioned 7 years ago now, and I’m still here :)

  • I’d also add that it’s okay if your testosterone is outside of cis women’s range as long as your estrogen is higher. I was extremely worried that I was ruining my transition, but it really didn’t and I still made excellent progress despite it. Certainly do all that you can to get it lower, but in the mean time don’t fret too much if it is.

    Edit: Also if you’re on tablets, you can increase their testosterone suppression by evenly dividing them throughout the day as much as reasonably possible.

  • So my egg has (very) recently cracked, and I just so happen to have fresh T levels results at hand. Kinda shocked to find I apparently have higher T levels than 95-ish percent of cis men lol, was fully expecting the opposite.

    Thank you for sharing both the graph and your story too, that’s cool as heck! :)

  • While I think ‘low t levels’ is totally bullshit, are you sure your testosterone levels aren’t elevated by the type of anti androgen you’re using? Even estrogen is supposed to have some t reducing effects so having a higher than average t is curious

  • This is super anecdotal and obviously does not apply to everyone. But I find interesting that at least a decent chunk of trans people, their pre-HRT levels tend to be outside the normal ranges.

    In my personal case, it’s quite the opposite actually. My T was pretty much the 25% line (18 years old btw) with 422 ng/dl (14.63 nmol/L). So normal range if on the lower side. But my E is 112 pg/ml, which is twice as high as the male range and low-normal female range. And ever since I started on HRT my range has been wacky, with my E being way higher for the dosage I was getting. Granted, my case is sadly currently undiagnosed and it’s certainly not something I have ever heard from another person, but I do hear about stuff like that. Just kinda curious about how common it is.