I‘m a little shocked rn. I am using fluffychat on ios since my legacy iphone is still working and I dont want to throw it out until its done.

But this happened the first time: I wrote „then I might need to take a taxi“ to someone and an installed taxi app immediately popped up via notifications saying „get off 25% today“ or something.

This freaks me out big time since it could mean every word I write on this phone gets checked by something/someone.

Anyone else? (It was literally the second I wrote the sentence)

            • I‘m not naive. I am entitled to human rights. There is a huge difference.

              I simply wont accept that companies are allowed to do this and I‘m actively suing and working against this, every way I can, so are hundreds if not thousands of others.

              So no, I dont need to read 10 or 100 pages of „contract“ just because a company wants me to not do it and blows up the contract. I sue and the company has to back down. With small companies this works immediately, with large ones we just need more folks with this mindset.

              • What human rights have to do with private companies rights and terms of use. You use their product in the way they see fit and describe in their terms of service. What are you on about you suing a company without even reading the contract you accepted while using their product and services. What are you, 15 years of age??

                • So, before I block you for insulting and degrading language, here the explanation:

                  When you make business with companies, these companies have certain rights, same as you but not the same as you, the individual.

                  A company is overly powerful so consumer protection kicks in and forces them to treat you fairly. For example, they cant put something in their contracts that one sidedly benefits them and is bad for you (acting in bad faith). If they do this the contract becomes unenforceable.

                  Thats how I already sued a couple companies and continue to do so. The same goes for gdpr enforcement. If a company does stupid things with my data, I tell them to stop, let them send me all my data and then delete it. This is a massive amount of work for them and some have real issues with doing this. Also, if they dont they pay a large fine.

                  So, as you dont seem to know a lot about consumer protection, I hope you educate yourself and stop insulting folks.

                  Be better.

  •  gregorum   ( @gregorum@lemm.ee ) 
    47 months ago

    No. If someone is telling you that Apple is doing that, they are lying to you. Demand proof, because no one can provide that. Because Apple is not doing that, and if they’re telling you they are, they are lying.

    • From an article about a recent lawsuit

      The App Store appeared to harvest information about every single thing you did in real time, including what you tapped on, which apps you search for, what ads you saw, and how long you looked at a given app and how you found it. The app sent details about you and your device as well, including ID numbers, what kind of phone you’re using, your screen resolution, your keyboard languages, how you’re connected to the internet—notably, the kind of information commonly used for device fingerprinting.

      Notably, knowing keyboard language and monitoring tap locations allows for reconstruction of text the user types (as detailed in this article

      I do think you are correct that Apple probably isn’t actively keylogging every iOS device (just because there’s easier ways with less legal concerns that ultimately get the same outcomes), but it’s not like there’s “no evidence”.

    • If you demand proof to state they do, you should provide proof when stating they don’t. It’s not like Apple is the most trustworthy company in the world. With big tech it’s always reasonable (definitely not certain) to assume they could be spying on your activity, and unless you are able to download your software source code, check it and compile it yourself, it’s almost impossible to tell.

        • The only thing we know without a proof is that they might be doing it. We don’t have a proof they do it but we also don’t have any proof they are incapable of doing so. A reasonable course of action would be to take precautions against it while not condemning them either, until they are either proven actually guilty or actively unwilling to up their security, which would also strongly imply the former.

    • Until it’s proven the data is E2E encrypted, it’s a fair assumption it can be read by a 3rd party, either now or in the future. E2EE is the only proof that matters, everything else is just a corporate “trust me bro”.

    • While I get the initial claim that proof is necessary, your argument is self-evident as well.

      Nobody can provide proof does not mean its not true, just that its not proven. Its very suspicious that I got this notification the exact second I wrote the text and no other notifications for days before and after.

      It is statistically very likely that someone or something triggered this in that moment. Either on the phone through siri for example who is supposed to select apps by usage, in the chat app (unlikely because open source) or in the notification provider, as mentioned by another commenter.