•  eldain   ( @eldain@feddit.nl ) 
    544 months ago

    Kelvin is for scientists.

    Celsius is for people.

    Fahrenheit is a translation layer between Celsius and Americans. All their weather stations have been Celsius for ages, it’s a societal decision to use an arbitrary unit instead. The “69F censoring” which turned out to be a rounding artefact illustrated that nicely. Their government could change that, power to them that they decide not to 🤷‍♂️

  • With Celsius it’s all nice and round numbers unlike the mess called fahrenheit:

    0°C—black ice, snow, be careful on the road and you probably want to wear gloves and a hat
    0…10°C—a bit chilly, but you can leave your hat home
    10…20°C—pleasant, but not quite tee-and-shorts yet
    20…30°C—nice summer weather
    30…40°C—holy crap it’s hot!
    40…50°C—are you fucking kidding me?
    50+°C—my proteins are starting to denature…
    100°C—good sauna
    110°C—finns think it’s a good sauna
    120+°C—finns think it’s getting a bit too hot in the sauna. Italians tend to vaporize in sauna (speaking from experience)

    0…-10°C—a pleasant winter weather
    -10…-20°C—getting a bit frosty
    -20…-30°C—finns think it’s a pleasant winter weather
    -40°C—vodka freezes. Russians and finns agree it’s getting a bit frosty
    -50°C—getting a little hard to start your Uazik in the morning in Siberia due to engine oil solidifying
    -60°C—researchers in Antarctica all agree it’s getting a bit frosty and someone should close the window

  •  amio   ( @amio@kbin.social ) 
    4 months ago

    How very American.

    I suppose it is how people feel, just, y’know, the roughly 4-5% of people who happen to already use that temperature scale. Shocker, that.

    • I think the focus of this is just where the origins of the units are derived. Fahrenheit was invented at a hospital for identifying patients outside of the normal range, Celsius was invented based on the liquid range of water, and Kelvin was invented based on when matter stops

      • The focus of it is what you are used to.
        All scales are basically created equal - they must be, since they measure the same thing and scale the same way. (No pun intended.)
        The only difference there can ever be between C/K/F (or R for that matter) is multiplying by one constant and/or adding another.

        Yanks use Fahrenheit, grow up with it, and see it used every day. Therefore it is intuitive and logical. To them.
        The vast majority of people on Earth - about 95% - actually don’t, so it isn’t.

        That makes the phrasing and underlying assumption pretty characteristically American, and tempting to poke some gentle fun at.

      •  XM34   ( @XM34@feddit.de ) 
        44 months ago

        Fahrenheit was invented at a hospital for identifying patients outside of the normal range…

        0°F is outside the normal human temperature range? No shit!

        You’re talking a bunch of bullcrap! Fahrenheit was developed by a German Scientist and he just chose two measurements that were halfway decent to reproduce. That’s all there is to it. Got nothing to do with hospitals.

    • 100 is hot out and 0 is cold. That’s not crazy. 35 being hot out is pretty arbitrary for day to day use. But if your job is boiling water every day, it’s probably not the best.

      • The freezing point of water seems a hell of a lot more relevant to what humans consider ‘cold’…which is why it’s the zero. The boiling point of water isn’t the zero in Celsius after all.

        Also ‘cold’ as a concept is often represented with symbols related to frozen water such as snow flakes and icicles.

  •  Squirrel   ( @Squirrel@thelemmy.club ) 
    264 months ago

    Most people are inherently biased towards their chosen system. A “water scale” doesn’t make sense to fahrenheit users, and a “human scale” is dismissed as even existing by the Celsius users. But hey, if you want to fight, have at it. It’s annoying and pointless, but that’s what the internet is for.

    •  geissi   ( @geissi@feddit.de ) 
      114 months ago

      “human scale” is dismissed as even existing by the Celsius users

      Celsius user here.
      I find “I’m more used to it, therefore it makes more intuitive sense to me” is a perfectly understandable argument.

      The problem with the human scale argument is that it makes it sound completely arbitrary.
      To a human there is no objective difference between -1F, 0F or +1F. They are all about the same degree of “cold”.

      •  Dudewitbow   ( @Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip ) 
        4 months ago

        i mean a lot of measurements are arbitrary necause their manmade. thats creation of measurements in a nutshell. they exist to give people context to conpare to. time is a manmade construct, unit of length is a manmade construct. unit of weight is a manmade construct.

        for instance with 1 kilo, tell me the last time a regular person had platinum-iridium ingot. its completely arbitrary.

        •  geissi   ( @geissi@feddit.de ) 
          14 months ago

          tell me the last time a regular person had platinum-iridium ingot

          What, you don’t?

          But yeah, I agree, units are made up. I mean, why is the boiling point at 100C and not any other number? Someone made it up.
          I’m just saying the argument “0F is really cold” is just as true as -10F is really cold or +10F is really cold.

  •  Exocrinous   ( @exocrinous@lemm.ee ) 
    244 months ago

    Nah. Only 50F to 115f is usable. What kind of weird ass datapoints are those? I mean 10C to 45C are just as random, but at least it aligns with something practical. At least I understand that 200C is twice what it takes to boil water. I have no idea how hot 400F is supposed to be.

  • Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius is quite easy. All you need to do is:

    import math
    import random
    import time
    def obtain_temperature_scale():
        temperature_scales = ["Fahrenheit", "Celsius", "Kelvin", "Rankine", "Réaumur", "Newton", "Delisle", "Rømer"]
        return random.choice(temperature_scales)
    def create_cryptic_prompts():
        cryptic_prompts = [
            "Unveil the hidden truth within the scorching embers.",
            "Decode the whispers of the arctic winds.",
            "Unravel the enigma of thermal equilibrium.",
            "Unlock the secrets of the thermometric realm."
        return random.choice(cryptic_prompts)
    def await_user_input(prompt):
        return float(input("Enter the temperature value: "))
    def dramatic_pause():
        time.sleep(random.uniform(1.5, 3.5))
    def convert_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
        return (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)
    def main():
        temperature_scale = obtain_temperature_scale()
        if temperature_scale == "Fahrenheit":
            cryptic_prompt = create_cryptic_prompts()
            fahrenheit_temp = await_user_input(cryptic_prompt)
            celsius_temp = convert_to_celsius(fahrenheit_temp)
            print(f"The temperature in Celsius is: {celsius_temp:.2f}°C")
            print("This program only accepts Fahrenheit temperatures.")
    if __name__ == "__main__":