Looking specifically for men but I’m open to all opinions. I’ve been doing some experimenting over the last 2 and a bit years, trying to find what works best for me. I’d love to get some opinions on what has worked for others.

stuff I’ve tried:

  • L’Oréal Men Expert (no complaints)
  • Bull Dog (not the biggest fan)
  • Neutrogena (no complaints either)
  • SkinCeuticals (borrowed from my partner who got some as a gift)

I’m in Europe if it helps

    • unscented bar soap. For my body and hair.

      At first I was worried that ditching shampoo and other products with moisturizers would leave me feeling flaky and dry, but it was surprisingly easy.

      I’ve shifted to the opinion that the overwhelming majority of beauty products are unnecessary and are just a market in search of a problem.

      • I have dry skin and eczema. Using bar soap on just my hands equals cracking and bleeding. Let alone attempting it on my body or scalp.

        Also I have fine, coloured treated hair.

        I use pretty standard supermarket brand body wash on my skin and somewhat expensive shampoos on my hair. I use mid range moisturisers. They’re all enough to keep my skin in good condition. I’m not prone to breakout though, so my body doesn’t need too much intervention.

        My point is to say that I need that level of care in my products. Not at huge expense, but some. Your suggestion would have me literally itching and bleeding all over.

        Everyone is different but there is a market for a spectrum of products. Bar soap is very unlikely to be the answer for most people.

  •  Altima NEO   ( @altima_neo@lemmy.zip ) 
    3 months ago

    Fellow guy here.I use CeraVe foaming face wash followed with Clinique Dramatically Different moisturizing gel for oily skin.

    I also use CeraVe moisturizer in the big tub for my hands and skin when they’re dry. I dare not use that stuff of my face, as it’s too greasy and makes me break out.

    I’ve also got some CORSX AHA 7 Liquid for exfoliating with some cotton swabs.

    And finally just some proraso for shaving.

    But yeah, you really gotta figure out what kinda skin type you’ve got so you can better match up what products you really need, or see a dermatologist to get a regimen figured out, of you even need one. Like if you’ve got dry skin, oily skin, or combination, etc.

  •  Otherbarry   ( @otherbarry@lemmy.zip ) 
    3 months ago

    Looking specifically for men but I’m open to all opinions

    Pay attention to what women are using, aside from dealing with make up the skin care routine isn’t that different.

    In the shower I use a daily foaming face cleanser. Using soap is worse on facial skin (ends up causing more breakouts, etc.).

    I use bar soap for the rest of my shower routine.

    In the mornings and evenings I moisturize dry skin areas (mainly hands and lips).

    Before shaving I always exfoliate.

    In the U.S. I tend to use Aveeno products for that stuff but you should be able to find equivalents of those things in Europe.

  • Gentle exfoliation with a foaming cleanser that won’t dry your skin out and a soft wash rag. A retinoid (adapaline) nightly or every other night, and a moisturizer 2x a day. Use sunscreen and re-apply every 2 hours to reduce sun damage.

    This can all be cheap and have good data behind them.

  • Paula’s Choice for liquid or gel exfoliant and sunscreen moisturiser - personally I prefer the ultra sheer SPF 15 as the mineral based one feels rough on my skin. I’ll then top up with a higher SPF face sunscreen if necessary, as it usually is in Australia.

    I also use Clinique’s All About Eyes cream, All About Clean 2-in-1 Cleansing + Exfoliating Jelly as my daily scrub, and Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+ if I want a moisturiser without sunscreen.

    If you try Paula’s Choice, give the routine finder a go to find the right fit for your skin type.

  • Dr bronners for skin and hair (I have very thick indian hair in jata style dreadlocks down to my knees). For a long time I used a charcoal based face wash (lush until they changed their formula for coal face, then some similar brand I found on amazon) but for whatever odd reason after a few years my skin stopped tolerating it and kept breaking out, so I switched to Kate Somerville’s sulfur face wash which works wonders (but does have a bit of a smell to it unfortunately).

  • My hands get really dry after washing bottles for my newborn, and nothing does the trick quite as well as working hands (although it does feel oily after applying, so I only use it right before going to sleep)

  • Dove unscented bar soap and whatever unscented shampoo I find at target or Walmart. My wife got alaffia Shea lotion that I like but she didn’t, it goes on without feeling greasy and I use working hands on cold days when my knuckles crack