I’m looking for easy and cheap options for lunches on weekdays. I mostly eat deli sandwiches and hot dogs right now and I always feel like shit after eating them. I think I need something healthier but I don’t have time over my lunch hour to cook anything too fancy. What do you all do for reliable healthy easy lunches?

  • I make big batches of lentil or chickpea curry, freeze half, eat the unfrozen during the week, then next week do a different recipe, freeze half, eat the unfrozen half, then thaw the first variety I made, and so on, so I have a constant flow of frozen and different curries.

    You can also just thaw one if you can’t be assed to cook that week, too.

    To make em into a lunch, I usually make rice and a coleslaw or other quick prep veg so you get some nutritional variety up in that batch

  • If I’ve had a cooked dinner the night before I’ll have that for lunch the next day.

    My partner and I have done meal prep on weekends in the past as well. That can work well if you have the space to keep food frozen for a week or two.

    • This right here. Because I suck at cooking I usually get 2-3 HelloFresh or other meal prep kits with recipes, then eat on them for dinner that night and lunch the next day. Pretty healthy to boot.

  • I cook large batches of stew every now and then, freeze in 2 or 3 portion packages. Then each sunday I prep some carbs, defrost and pasteurize stew and put it all together. Boom! Lunches ready to go into the work microwaves.

  • My dirty dirty secret: I get lunch at a McDonald’s near the office where I work once or twice a week. Double quarter pounder with cheese.

    I love that and I’m not ashamed to say that. 😅

    •  1984   ( @1984@lemmy.today ) 
      6 months ago

      I have lunch at Burger King almost every Wednesday, also because it’s next to work. Double whopper for me.

      The other days I eat more healthy though… But usually indian, Thai food or sushi every week once or twice.

  • I make a chickpea/garbanzo bean spread:

    (1) 15oz can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed (I also take the skins off but that’s optional) (1) tbsp of Nutritional yeast (.5) tsp garlic powder (.5) tsp onion powder (.5) tsp salt (1) tbsp lemon juice (.5) tbsp dijon mustard (.5) cup of mayo (any mayo works)

    Optional: 1 nori sheet (seaweed adds a fishy flavor)

    Instructions: smash everything together with a fork in a bowl until mixed or use a food processor/blender to puree, it should have the consistency of a cheese spread or dip. Serve on anything and keep refrigerated for up to 5 days

  • I’ve been drinking a Soylent shake for lunch at work for probably two years now. It’s very convenient, nutritious, and you can have it at room temp or chilled. If you buy it by the case, that amounts to a cheap and healthy lunch. Yes, I find it quite filling.

    Edit: Also it comes in different flavors. The ones I remember are strawberry (my favorite), vanilla, chocolate, banana, and mint chocolate. They also have high-protein and caffeinated varieties.

    Another edit to clarify my own experience: I’ve been drinking the shakes for lunch for about 2 years but I’ve been enjoying Soylent for longer than that. I’ve included a scoop of the powder in my breakfast for the past 10 years. My doctor is quite happy with my health and my last blood work results (June '23). I only share this because someone has a problem with my suggestion of Soylent and claims it’s not good for you. So there is my own experience, for what it’s worth. YMMV.

  • Not really that cheap, but when I have the household to myself during WFH, a typical lunch consists of a wedge of blue cheese with some added apricot marmelade. I can finally stink up the house with my eclectic taste without anyone complaining.

  • I eat Subway for lunch usually, we have a decent local one and I know the owner. Not necessarily because all the food is delicious, but it gets me to eat veggies like banana peppers and olives that I wouldn’t normally eat. One footling will make 2 lunches for me.

  •  jemikwa   ( @jemikwa@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
    6 months ago

    I have been addicted to making ramen eggs (ajitama) for lunches lately. I eat one or two eggs over rice with some furikake or toasted seaweed and that’s all I need to power through the day. You could pair the dish with more veggies or a miso soup if you’re feeling fancy. The nice part is making half a dozen eggs squares me away for the week, so I hardly have to think about what to do.

    Another dish I like is Korean steamed eggs (gyeranjjim). It takes not even 10 mins to cook on the stove. Making rice takes longer, and you can make a lot of rice to reheat later in the week. I would cook the eggs fresh each day though , I’m not sure how reheating them would go. The broth that goes with the eggs keeps me fuller than I ever expect.

    Baba ghanoush is so tasty when you make it yourself. This requires more effort up front to roast the eggplant, but the dip is good all week. I eat it with carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, and some pita chips.

    Regular tuna salad or this chickpea “tuna” salad is always easy to whip up. I always have celery, pickles, and bread on hand so if I’m feeling up for it, I crack open a can of tuna or chickpeas for an easy lunch.

  • Microwave basmati rice and Trader Joe’s microwave yellow tadka dal. Addicted to it right now. Sometimes I’ll slice up half a beef sausage or Polska kielbasa, fry that in a pan for a couple minutes and throw it on top along with some sriracha sauce.