My journey with Lemmy started in 2022 out of interest in the fediverse and paranoia around how much control social media companies have, and how little choice common people are left with over the Internet.

Lemmy was much smaller back then. I really wanted it go get bigger, and tried to contribute to it. But it was small enough to be unsatisfying, so I would go back and forth between lemmy and Reddit.

After the Reddit fiasco, I shifted more and more towards lemmy and less towards Reddit. I finally abandoned Reddit when third party apps broke. I only go there for specific questions in communities that aren’t active on lemmy.

What about you?

  • I was a long-time Reddit user but over time it felt more and more not right. June last year I decided to register here and remove my Reddit account. I do not miss anything and I actually started participating more instead of just silently reading comments and posts.

    It just feels right using Lemmy instead of Reddit. Not only there’s no corporate bullshit and dumb algorithms I can’t avoid, it’s also a much nicer community overall.

  •  Lyre   ( ) 
    154 months ago

    I’d been grasping for literally any alternative to Reddit for months and heard about this place when they shut down third party apps. Haven’t thought about going back even once…

  • I joined up when Reddit decided to end third party apps. I mostly browsed the front page of Reddit for interesting or funny things, but I noticed once I switched to Lemmy that the Reddit front page was just sponsored content and what the algorithm wanted you to see. I was actually interested in stuff on Lemmy and that made me want to participate rather than just scroll the front page.

  • Came here when the Reddit 3rd party app threat started looming, loved it and never went back.

    Sure, Lemmy doesn’t have the same variety and amount of content that’s on Reddit but that’s because it’s a smaller and newer platform along with the fact that not all instances federate with each other (which is great).

    I still get my scrolling urge fulfilled and presented with random memes and news that I’m interested in without the data harvesting factor which is perfect for me.

  • Reddit was slowly but surely becoming a terrible host for our community (direct link.) Then came the final straw, while we went black we held a vote and a majority voted for the community to move elsewhere. We chose for Mbin, which has turned out a to be a great platform, with the advantage of being part of the fediverse.

    I’d personally only used mastodon up to that point, I now hardly ever browse reddit

  •  Trent   ( ) 
    94 months ago

    Mid-2022. I’d heard about it and finally decided to give it a try, though I didn’t post a lot. These days I mostly only go to reddit when searches for information lead me to a post there, and occasionally for stuff that doesn’t exist/is dead here (emacs, hydrohomies…)

  • I showed up last year in the aftermath of reddit’s APIgate. I’m a longtime reddit user, for better or worse. Though this isn’t my first foray with reddit alternatives. I’ve tried Imzy, Voat (briefly; very briefly), and Tildes. The last of which is still doing quite well, though it’s a bit different from reddit and even Lemmy, in terms of overall culture and activity.

    Admittedly, I am still on reddit, though my activity is reduced. I stopped using it almost entirely from like June through October, but then slowly made my way back. But instead of spending all my time on reddit as before, I spend my time between Lemmy, Tildes, Mastodon, and reddit. So I think that’s still a win in my book. I don’t mind using multiple sites for information and entertainment; it’s kinda like what people did in the earlier days of the Internet. Further, I’m not really anti-centralized platforms. I still have a FB account. I scroll Instagram daily. I use Discord. I use YouTube. I use what gives me value.

    Anyway, I landed on Beehaw after briefly looking at other instances and looking at Beehaw’s “philosophy,” which seemed attractive. Overall, Lemmy is not the promised land; There are issues I see with the platform, the userbase, and even with the current state of federation. But no site or platform is perfect. Every platform has upsides and downsides. I get what I want out of it and try to “give back” what I can.

  •  synae[he/him]   ( ) 
    83 months ago

    16 years on reddit, they killed my client. Now I’m here, probably forever - I don’t expect there will be any permanent issue with the protocol so from here on out it’s just a matter of federation/moderation/blocking the right things

  • Like many people here, long time Reddit user. Lived through RES, Alien Blue, and finally settled on Apollo. When they pulled the plug on third parties, looked at Lemmy and Kbin. Voyager (a pretty decent Apollo clone) is what pulled it over to Lemmy.

    I’m liking how it feels like early Reddit. Hopefully it’ll pick up a bit more.

    TBH, 90% of Reddit usage was just wading through crap, just looking for distraction, or funny crap to send friends. The last 10% was as a realtime side-channel during MLB games. Was bummed to have the new baseball season start without that. But The Athletic has started doing live gameday threads so that might make up for the loss.

    I didn’t delete my Reddit account, hoping they would come to their senses with 3rd parties, but it looks unlikely. Happy to stick around here and even start contributing posts.

  • Came here last year during the exodus from Reddit and never looked back.

    I only use reddit to troubleshoot tech issues now or occasionally to look up info on some topic I’m researching.

    I really enjoy Lemmy, it’s the part of the fediverse I use the most. I think federation is the best model for decentralized networks and I like how it feels a little like the old internet, when things weren’t totally corpo-controlled and hyper-monetized.

  •  Andrew   ( ) 
    73 months ago

    Joined last year when Apollo was forced to shut down like many of us. I’d been a huge fan of federated social media and decided this was the time to finally kick my Reddit addiction. So far Lemmy has completely scratched the itch and I rarely check Reddit anymore. That in itself has been a huge win and every month it’s just more and more upside as the communities get stronger.

    I ended up starting a dedicated Magic: the Gathering instance at for anyone interested. We’re small but growing!

  • I joined after EMPRESS got banned from reddit and reccomended here. She got banned from instance later and didn’t bother looking for another instance. I never thought I’d stick with Lemmy; until reddit pretty much removed all third party apps. I kinda dislike mainstream social media like Twitter and Instagram; so I decided to go with this.

  • I was aware of the fediverse but I’d never gotten round to engaging with it. Came here for something to do during the 3 day Reddit protest blackout and just… never went back to Reddit because it’s better here.

    I already had a mastodon but I made accounts all over the fediverse (and other alternatives) ended up settling in my first pick - this account at I really love the features and I believe the dev has a lot of vision.

    It’s exciting being part of something cool.

  • I started using Lemmy a few years ago because of the blackout that happened then (the one that started because they hired a known pedophile apologist as an admin). When Reddit fired her and made what they considered an apology, I continued to use both just simply because I didn’t like the fact that their apology sounded like they were disappointed in the community for not supporting pedophilia.

    When the second blackout happened (the one caused by the API changes) I didn’t support the statements that Spez was spouting about the app developers. At first I waited to see what their response was to the blackout but they, more specifically Spez, made it obvious that they didn’t care, so I deleted my Reddit account and started only using Lemmy.