•  Chahk   ( @chahk@beehaw.org ) 
    3 months ago

    “AI is nowhere near to being ready to replace you at your job. It is, however, ready enough to convince your boss that it’s ready to replace you at your job.”

    • I remember reading an article or blog post years ago that persuasively argued that the danger of AI is not going to be that it ends up doing things better than humans, but that it causes a lot of harm when entrusted with tasks it actually isn’t good at. I think that thesis seems much more plausible now, watching people respond to clearly flawed AI systems.

      • That reminds me of a fairly recent article about research around visualisation systems to aid with interpretable or explainable AI systems (XAI). The idea was that if we can make AI systems that explain their reasonings, then they can be a useful tool, especially in the hands of domain experts.

        Turns out that actually, the fancy visualisations that made it easier to understand how the model had come to a conclusion actually made subject matter experts less accurate in catching errors. This surprised researchers and when they later tried to make sense of it, they realised that they had inadvertently dialled up people’s likelihood to trust the model because it looked legit.

        One of my favourite aphorisms is “all models are wrong, some are useful.” Seems that the tricky part is figuring out how wrong and how useful.

    • This is nothing new though. For decades, managers have fallen for “solution in a box” sales pitches even though front line workers know it’s doomed to fail as soon as they set eyes on it. This time the solution just happens to be “AI.”

      •  megopie   ( @megopie@beehaw.org ) 
        3 months ago

        It’s worse now than ever though, many managers have been steeped in tech optimism their whole working careers. The failures of “revolutionary new systems” have been forgotten about while the success of other things are lauded.

        They’ve been primed to jump on any new “innovation” and at the same time B2B marketing has started adopting some of the most manipulative practices that used to be only used on consumers. They’ve crafted a narrative that shapes discourse so the main objections that appear are irrelevant to the actual issues managers might run in to.

        Stuff like “but what if it is TOO good?!” and “what if the wrong people get their hands on this AMAZINGLY POWERFUL new tech?!”

        Instead of “but does this actually understand anything or is it just giving output that looks correct?” or “ Wait, so, how was this training data obtained? Will there be legal issues from deliverables made with this?”

        The average manager has been primed by the zeitgeist to ask the sales rep the kinds of questions they want to answer.

  • I’m not following this story…

    a friend sent me MRI brain scan results and I put it through Claude

    I annoyed the radiologists until they re-checked.

    How was he in a position to annoy his friend’s radiologists?

  • Maybe consider a tool made for the task and not just some random Claude, which isn’t trained on this at all and just makes up some random impression of what an expert could respond in a dramatic story?!

  • I know of at least one other case in my social network where GPT-4 identified a gas bubble in someone’s large bowel as “likely to be an aggressive malignancy.” Leading to said person fully expecting they’d be dead by July, when in fact they were perfectly healthy.

    These things are not ready for primetime, and certainly not capable of doing the stuff that most people think they are.

    The misinformation is causing real harm.

    • To be honest, it is not made to diagnose medical scans and it is not supposed to be. There are different AIs trained exactly for that purpose, and they are usually not public.

      • Exactly. So the organisations creating and serving these models need to be clearer about the fact that they’re not general purpose intelligence, and are in fact contextual language generators.

        I’ve seen demos of the models used as actual diagnostic aids, and they’re not LLMs (plus require a doctor to verify the result).

  • I need help finding a source, cuz there are so many fluff articles about medical AI out there…

    I recall that one of the medical AIs that the cancer VC gremlins have been hyping turned out to have horribly biased training data. They had scans of cancer vs. not-cancer, but they were from completely different models of scanners. So instead of being calibrated to identify cancer, it became calibrated to identify what model of scanner took the scan.

  • Unpopular opinion incoming:

    I don’t think we should ignore AI diagnosis just because they are wrong sometimes. The whole point of AI diagnosis is to catch things physicians don’t. No AI diagnosis comes without a physician double checking anyway.

    For that reason, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that an AI got it wrong. Suspicion was still there and physicians double checked. To me, that means this tool is working as intended.

    If the patient was insistent enough that something was wrong, they would have had them double check or would have gotten a second opinion anyway.

    Flaming the AI for not being correct is missing the point of using it in the first place.

    •  rho50   ( @rho50@lemmy.nz ) 
      3 months ago

      I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that an AI got it wrong.

      I think the bigger issue is why the AI model got it wrong. It got the diagnosis wrong because it is a language model and is fundamentally not fit for use as a diagnostic tool. Not even a screening/aid tool for physicians.

      There are AI tools designed for medical diagnoses, and those are indeed a major value-add for patients and physicians.