•  Honytawk   ( @Honytawk@lemmy.zip ) 
    6 months ago

    If a player metagamed like that at my table, I’d punish them by not having any monster appear until everyone is back in bed. And have the character on watch be surprised.

    •  Malgas   ( @Malgas@beehaw.org ) 
      166 months ago

      Honestly, perception checks should be rolled behind the screen. Or anything where the character wouldn’t immediately know the outcome.

      Sure, players shouldn’t act on things their character doesn’t know, but why give them the temptation?

  • Maybe I’m weird but I like it when my party meta-games like this since then I get to mess with them. They never really know what I’m going to do. If they interrupt the long rest they have a con save for a lvl of exhastion (DC 12+ based on the number of times I’ve asked them to roll) no matter what, but the missed perception check does always mean something happened. Once it was a Brownie taking 2 copper and a ration from every player while granting them advantage on every skill check until the next long rest, another was a group of Pixies stealing all of their pants (equiped and unequiped) and hanging them from a tree two days journey away. Ambushes are pretty rare at my table but something happens just about every night.

    I love using Fey for this cause if they get bored they love making mortals miserable.