• Sure, if you care about propagating the local fauna in an urban area you have many beautiful visitors. Rats and the native insects on their back. The feral street cat is next to populate this urban green space, oh and lets not forget the cockroach. Native to all densely populated towns, they can be placed on full display for the urbanites to appreciate the aesthetic that their host provides.

  • “wasteland” is a bit strong. Non-native grass is not ideal, but we could do far worse. Good on you for improving your land. Let’s not force everyone to be perfect, as many will just give up.

    I think the focus on perfection leads to poor mental models and outcomes.

    • Some internet group just up and took issue with agriculture. I mean yeah we gotta improve our future and society, but I always go back to a simple sentiment. It’s only a relavant issue if it can show up in a video game. So basically the character mechanics we’re looking for is a -12 Agility score combined with a religous zeal for unteathering from technology while on life support.

      • It is great to have goals and want to improve. Being accepting of incomplete change and process is better. Personally, I like the photos that provide inspiration and some written direction for easily improving a situation that could be similar to mine.

        Only accepting perfection tends to drain motivation. It also presumes a lot about ability, uses, values, and resources. It also drives wedges between people.

        “I hate ugly monoculture yards” is not an helpful for changing minds as “i love native grass yards. Even a few accent areas are great.” I fail at this all of the time. It is important that I get it right some of the time.

        As for perfectionism creating poor mental models, the results tend to be fragile. If one must be perfect and able all of the time, it will fail. The models tend to not allow for different abilities, resources, or desires.

        I hope this was clear. Cheers

  • This issue of wild growth lawns really has to dissolve down two points. Geography being one. Arid grassland terrain where, (guess what) grass grows would make ideal space for this experiment; but, the nightmarish undergrowth that natively springs forth from swampy or forested climes would need to be cultivated out anyways or else you would create blight. Vines can be rustic and cute, but they will swallow a house where I’m at whole. And my second point is the area that these people would seed with natural grass would need to be very large and spaced away from neighboring grass. Herb next door in your cul-de-sac doesn’t appreciate the encroachment on his turf.

  • I live in a small unit that had dusty ultra-compacted dirt around the house that was called a lawn. I broke the soil with a hoe, threw a few bags of soil mix down and planted some moss I harvested growing wild down the laneway. 2 years later the ground is mostly covered in a spongey moss. Give it a few more years it’ll be completely covered and thick.

    It requires virtually no mowing and needs little water. Apparently growing moss is even good for air and ground water purification. Not sure how much purifying it’s doing but it’s good to know I’m doing my little part.

    If you have a small yard, grow moss.